l.draisaitl- edmonton oilers

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"Leon, I'm bored let's go on a date

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"Leon, I'm bored let's go on a date." I say to my boyfriend and he nods agreeing with me, "Put on some new clothes, warm ones." Leon says to me and he grabs his keys, "Where are we going, bubs?" I ask him and he shrugs with a smirk visible on his face, "You'll see when we go." He says and I nod slowly walking up the steps to put on leggings and an oilers hoodie.

At the 'date'

"Seriously Leon, we're going ice skating, you know I can't ice skate." I say with a fake pout and he shrugs waving at Connor who was there skating with Lauren, "Hey guys!" I wave and they wave back, "Here are your ice skates, babe." Leon says and hands me them, I put on the skates and wait for Leon to come on the ice so I could hold his hand, "Hold my hand." I say and he nods walking us to the middle of the ice.

"Watch this, babe." Leon smirks and goes swiftly around the ice and snows me when he come back, "How are you so good at ice skating?" I ask and he raises a brow at me and I chuckle, "So (Y/N), this might sound crazy but I play this sport called ice hockey." Leon sarcastically says and I elbow his stomach, then Leon skates off leaving me in the middle of the ice, "Leon don't abandoned me!" I yell and he skates back to me with a smirk he twirls me around and I grip hard on his shoulder, "Don't spin me!" I yell and he stops spinning, Lauren and Connor chuckle at us.

"Baby, please hold my hand." I whine and he nods grabbing my hand and he walks us around, I slowly get the hang of it and Leon notices, he lets me go and I skate beside him, he starts speeding up so I try to get to him and end up falling on my knees, "Babygirl I'm so sorry!" Leon says and runs back to me and he accidentally ran over my fingers, "Ouch!" I say and see blood spill on the ice his eyes go wide and he lifts me up, "I'm fine but let's go to the hospital, you cut me pretty deep." I say to him.

"I'm sorry, I feel so bad." Leon says with a quiet tone and skates me over to where we first went to get on the ice, "Bye guys, Connor I'll see you tomorrow." Leon says to them and they hug, Lauren pulls me into a quick hug and so does Connor, "Hope your hand feels better." Connor smiles at me and I nod silently thanking him.

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