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When I first started dating Mark, I was an addict

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When I first started dating Mark, I was an addict. I got into coke, weed, molly, and I drank alcohol every night. When I went to a game with my girlfriends, I didn't really enjoy it cause I was high.

I got sent back to the locker room and Mark was the one who started taking me out, I was still on drugs for a while. Until I fessed up to him, he made me go to meetings and it was the best decision of my life.

Now here I am stressing over college, at 27 years old. "Mark, I can't do this." I sob into the phone as I had a long essay to get done, "Babygirl, yes you can." Mark assures me and I look at him (it was facetime).

"You probably have to go, I just really want to hear your voice, it calms me when you're not here." I say to him and I saw him smile, "I love you, princess. But you're right, I have to go." He says and I nod slowly.

"Love you too." I say and he hung up, I instantly let out a sob. "Fuck!" I yell and our dog started barking at me, "Stop." I say and walk downstairs to the kitchen.

I go into the kitchen and grab some water, a snack, and went pee. I went back upstairs and decided to just take a nap to sleep on it, after my food and drink of course.

3 hours later

I woke up to a dip in the bed and saw Mark with a smile, "Hey gorgeous." He says and I kiss him softly, "Hi." I say and he sways us back and forth, "What's wrong, m'love?" He asks quietly as I just break down into his arms.

"It's just too much, I can't do all of this and they expect so much from me, baby I'm exhausted." I say with tears flowing down my face, he cradles me in his big muscular arms.

His hands go through my hair and he looks at me, "They put so much on you because they like you and they know you can do it, it might not feel like you can but you actually can. They know about your past and they just want to help." Mark says and I sigh, wiping my eyes.

"My past?" I say to him because it kind of hurt, since I worked so hard to get where I am. "Mark, do you not understand. I worked my fucking ass off not touching a single drug or jack daniels bottle. I hope they aren't pitying me for my drug abuse." I say and he kisses me.

"I know you did baby, and I'm so fucking proud of you. They know you used drugs but they also know that you're a very smart girl." Mark says and I hug him.

"I just need cuddles." I say and lay down, "That's my job!" He says and lays next to me and we cuddle for the rest of the night.

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