b.marchand- boston bruins

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 Brad, Zdeno, and I were all going to a basketball game because they didn't have hockey so they didn't really feel like staying home

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Brad, Zdeno, and I were all going to a basketball game because they didn't have hockey so they didn't really feel like staying home.

"You two should sit next to each other." Zdeno says with a smirk on his face and I chuckle looking at Brad, "Nah." Brad says and I roll my eyes at him, "Yeah Zdeno, I'd rather sit next to you." I say and he rolls his eyes and says no.

"You look stupid." Brad says to me and I chuckle, "Look in a mirror." I say and he sighs softly, "Why do you hate me?" He asks and I scoff at him.

"I wanted to sit next to you until you said nAh." I say and mock his nah, "Fine lets sit next to each other, baby." He winks and I push him away from me with a laugh, "I know you want a piece of this." He says and points to him and I shake my head no.

at the lakers game

It was in the middle of the game and kiss cam was on, "I'll be back." Zdeno says and I nod with a smile on my face, "Why are you so happy?" Brad asks with an annoyed tone and I smack his shoulder.

"Cause you make me so happy." I say sarcastically, "I have that effect on every lady." He says and then puts his arm around my neck.

"Sure." I say and he laughs, Zdeno finally got back and he sat next to Brad who was in the middle, "Look." Zdeno says and I look up seeing Brad and I on the kiss cam.

I blush very hard and hide my head in my arm, "No." Brad says and shakes his head no then everyone begins booing, the kiss cam moves on to someone else and then back to us and we both say no this time.

It goes away and then comes back into us, "For fucks sake." Brad says and grabs me by the collar of my shirt and kisses me passionately, everyone cheers loudly and the kiss cam goes off.

"Fuck." Brad says and doesn't look at me, I sit there with a blush on my face and not look at the game, "I wonder why the camera kept coming back to us." I say and Brad shrugs.

Zdeno slips a $100 bill to the closest cameraman, "Thank you my good sir." Zdeno says and I laugh softly, Brad gives Zdeno an annoyed look.

"What the hell?" Brad says and I look at Brad offendedly, "Asshole." I say and throw my cup of water on him, I get out the seat and walk out of the game, "I'll be back, Zdeno." Brad says and Zdeno nods his head then looks back to the game.

when brad gets outside

"(Y/N) what the hell?" Brad says when he walks outside, "What?" I ask and he comes up to me and sits next to me, "Why'd you get so upset?" Brad asks and I throw the piece of wood on the ground.

"I'm in love with you, okay! How could you not notice, I know I shouldn't love you cause you're an ass but I love you for it." I say and Brad smiles at me, "I love you too." He says and I grab his face and kiss him passionately.

"Fuck." Brad whispers and I look down seeing his boner, "I have that effect on every man." I say mocking him from earlier, "I bet you do." He says and we kiss again.

"Be mine?" He asks and I nod happily, we walk back into the game holding hands and Zdeno smirks at us, "Your friend is excited." Zdeno says to Brad and they flipped each other off.

"Damn (Y/N), did you grab his dick?" Zdeno asks and I shake my head no, "He has a big dick right?" I whisper yell to Zdeno and he nods his head jokingly, "You'll be getting it all the time." Brad says and kisses my neck.

"Nice." I say and kiss his lips quickly.

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