n.sturm- minnesota wild

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Nico and I just came back from my best friends house, while we were there (Y/B/F) and her boyfriend kept talking about Sidney Crosby, my ex boyfriend, and our memory together

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Nico and I just came back from my best friends house, while we were there (Y/B/F) and her boyfriend kept talking about Sidney Crosby, my ex boyfriend, and our memory together.

Nico is now upset with me for it because I didn't tell them to stop talking about Sidney and I's old relationship, "Nico, I'm sorry I didn't say anything but you talk about Ashley a lot." I say annoyed with him and he rolls his eyes at me.

"I at least try to stop them." He says and I sigh softly, "Baby, if we're gonna be in a relationship you can't be as insecure as you are." I say to him and he scoffs loudly, "You're such a bitch." He says and I walk up to him and slap him.

"Don't talk to me like that." I say angrily and he scoffs, "I can't do this relationship, I'm sorry." He says and walks out the door, I stare blankly at the door and felt my throat burn with tears, I tried not to cry but my tears came out.

"Fuck!" I scream as I threw a coaster against the wall, "I'm gonna be a single mom." I whisper cause I never had the chance to tell Nico that I was pregnant, "I have to call him." I say to myself and then I grabbed my phone.

"Pick up, pick up, pick up." I whisper to myself and bit my lip in nervousness, "Your call has been forwarded to an automatic voice messaging system." I heard and I sigh then hung up.

"Shit." I cursed and ran to the basement, "Charger?" I say to myself and grab it from the wall, I ran back into the living room and saw I had an incoming call, but it wasn't Nico, it was Sidney?

The call

Y- you, S-Sidney

Y- Uh hey Sydney!
S- (Y/N)! You need to come to the hospital
Y- why are you okay?
S- I'm fine, but it's Nico
Y- Sidney, what happened?
S- He was in a car accident
Y- How the hell do you know
S- I saw cars flipped on the road then saw Nico
Y- I'm on my way!
S- Ok, be careful
Y- Thanks

End of call

I dropped the phone then on my knees, I sobbed loudly and grabbed my car keys, I jumped in my car and went straight to the hospital.

"(Y/N)?" Sidney says as I entered in the hospital, "Sid." I whisper and we engulf into a hug, I sobbed in his chest and he rubs my back, he kisses my head and pulls me tighter, "Can I see him?" I ask and Sidney looks at me.

"He's under surgery, they'll call us out when he's done." Sidney whispers and I sob loudly this time, "Surgery?" I question and Sidney gives me a sympathetic smile and nod.

"He'll be in a coma, but he's a fighter." Sidney says and I sigh, I put my legs up on the chair and leaned my head on his shoulder, "Thank you, Sid." I say and sniffled, "It's so sweet that you did this for me." I whisper and he smiles.

"Anything for you, (Y/N)." He says and I smiled for a the first time in a long time, "Anyone here for Nico Sturm?" A doctor asks and Sidney stands up along with me, "He your brother?" The doctor asks, "His brother, my husband." I lie and he nods with a smile.

"He's in a coma, he should be awake in a few months." The doctor says and I stopped in my tracks, "What the hell months? Is that all you guys can do? You guys should do your job instead of sitting on your lazy asses, my husband is in there able to hear me but I can't hear him, I have his CHILD inside of me!" I complain and the doctor looks at Sidney.

"Listen ma'am I know that you're upset, but we're doing everything that we can in our power to save his life it's not looking very successful." The doctor explains and I curled my fist up in balls, "Do better!" I yell and storm into Nico's room.

"Nico baby, come on wake up!" I say and just stared at him, "I'm pregnant, please for your kid, wake up, I love you so much please don't die on me, please." I say and began sobbing as I was on my knees crying and begging.

Just then I heard a beep and looked up, I saw the line going flat, doctors and nurses bursted through the door, I stood up and backed into Sidneys arms, "Is he dead?" I scream and no one answered so I sobbed.

1 year later

It's been a year since Nicos death and I was still very upset, but I am now married to Sidney, he is helping me take care of Kerri (my daughter) and we always visit Nicos grave.

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