c.makar- colorado avalanche

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Today Cale and I got invited too a dinner with the rest of the avalanches and their girlfriends or wives, and I'm completely nervous, I've met the guys but never the WAGS and I'm scared he'll think one of them are better than me and he'll break up...

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Today Cale and I got invited too a dinner with the rest of the avalanches and their girlfriends or wives, and I'm completely nervous, I've met the guys but never the WAGS and I'm scared he'll think one of them are better than me and he'll break up with me.

"You ready?" Cale asks me with a small smile and I nod slowly and I grab his hands, "I guess so," I say and he smiles at me and walks me to the car opening the passenger door for me, "You look amazing, by the way," Cale compliments and I blush looking away from him, "Thanks, you look handsome as usual," I say and he blushes now.

"And we're off," Cale says to me and puts his hand on my thigh before we drove off, "Don't be nervous, babygirl" Cale says sensing the only emotion I can't help but feel right now, "Okay," I say to him and look out the window as time flies by very fast.

"(Y/N) we're here," Cale smiles and I get out the car quickly and he jogs over to me, "Damn bae, I was supposed to get the door for you," Cale jokes and grabs my hand walking me into the restaurant that was filled with Avalanches and their WAGS, everyone looked up and smiled except one girl she just stared.

"Hi I'm Isobel you're very pretty," Phillip's girlfriend shook my hand and I smiled at her introducing myself as well, "I'm (Y/N)," I awkwardly say and she nods and then everyone else greets themselves except the girl that was just staring, "That's Matt's girlfriend, Ashley, we don't like her since she's a bitch to everyone she'll try and steal Cale from you so keep watch on him, we'll back you up though," Haley, Paul's girlfriend, whispered to you and the rest of them nodded.

"(Y/N) you're so pretty," Haley said and you thanked her and gave her a compliment back, "So (Y/N), what do you do for a living?" Ashley faked a smile and eyed Cale, biting her lip seductively, "I'm a runway model," I say and Ashley fakes a laugh and the WAGS all gasp, "You're definitely able to do it, you're so beautiful," Isobel smiled and I blushed looking at Cale and Ashley to make sure they're not do anything.

"So Cale, why'd you choose her," Ashley rolled her eyes at you and Cale chuckled awkwardly, "Cause I knew she was the one since the moment I laid my eyes on her," Cale sassily replied and you smirked to yourself and the other WAGS, "Yeah (Y/N) why'd you choose Makar, he's a loser," Nathan jokes and I shrug looking at my boyfriend.

"As cheesy as this sounds, he is a loser but my loser," I say looking at Ashley with side eyes and a devilish smirk, she just makes a tiny scoff and Cale seems to notice and he squeezes your hand, "I have to go talk to
(Y/N)" Cale announces and everyone nods and Cale pulls you into where the bathrooms are.

"(Y/N) I can't believe you're jealous, that's so low of you, you know I'd never like anyone else but you, Ashley is just a friend of mine who likes to flirt," Cale says to me and I scoff loudly causing a few heads to turn, "You're being a dick Makar, Ashley is making me uncomfortable and you can't seem to notice, I should've listened to Haley because all she does is brainwash you, please take me home I don't care if you come back and have that Ashley girl ride you but I'm not," I yell and I push him storming to our table.

"We have to go guys, (Y/N)'s being a bitch," Cale said and you looked at him angrily and Haley got up and in between you too, "I'm sorry that Cale is too much of a airhead to not understand when HIS girlfriend is uncomfortable," I shout and Haley grabs my arm and Paul grabs Cales arm and walks us outside.

"Go home you two," Paul calmly says and I nod hugging each of them but Paul's hug lasts a little longer that seems to get under Cale's skin, "There she goes again being a hoe," Cale yells and everyone in the parking lot gives him a dirty look and I slap him across the face, "You're such a dickwad," I yell and get in the car with him getting in as well, "Good night you two," Haley smiles and waved as Cale drives off vastly.

"I hate you," I say to him and he looks at me sarcastically laughing, "You won't be saying that when you get home, you'll be screaming my name babygirl," Cale smirks, how the hell is this boy so horny right now, "How are you so horny?" I ask him and he looks at me shrugging "It's what you do to me," Cale smirks again and you smirk to yourself putting my hand on top of his dick.

"Would a hoe do this?" I ask and begin giving him a blowjob and he grips the steering wheel with all of his might and he moans, "Shit don't stop," Cale said and I stopped, got up, and wiped my mouth from the precum, "I'm a hoe, a bitch, and low remember?" I tease and he looks at me with puppy eyes, "I didn't mean it, it was spur of the moment type thing," Cale said and I shrugged letting him take my head and I continued sucking him off.

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