Chapter 60

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Unedited sorry x

Mila's POV

I'd made it upstairs to the sofa with Lauren's help, all the energy drained from my body as soon as Y/NN left. I scolded myself for believing I'd found my happy ending and that realisation plummeted me into a foul mood.

"Just tell me what's happened and I can try and help."

I didn't bother to say anything just looked at her and then back at the wall. How could Y/NN do this to me? How that idiot thought I'd just forgive the cheating because I'd made mistakes too, I'd never forget that so how was I supposed to forgive now? Our baby sat heavy on my stomach like a constant reminder of the betrayal from the one person that was meant to love me more than anyone.

"Ok fine. Don't talk to me then, neither will
Y/NN so I guess that leaves me with one option."

"Don't you dare!" My head shot up in protest.

"I've had Sinu on speed dial since we were kids, you know that!"


"Camila, I'll do it. You know I will."

"There's a sex tape of Y/NN cheating on me. Happy now?"

"Wha-? There's a tape? Fuck babe, I'm so sorry. I never thought, I never imagined Y/NN would do anything like this."

"Y/N's destroyed me." The tears fell now and there was nothing I could do to stop them. Lauren wrapped her arm around me like she's done so many times before only this time, this time it felt like my world was actually ending.

About half an hour had passed and Lauren disentangled herself from me to make tea. My mind wondered to Y/NN despite my best efforts. I thought about how upset that basketball star would be right now but then I realised I didn't know Y/NN at all. Was it all just a front? Did I get to know the real Y/NN or was I just taken in by what I wanted to believe?

"Drink that, rehydrate. You can't fall apart completely now Cam's, you've got a little one to think about."

"Don't you think I know that? Do you not think I'm sat here trying to work out how to tell my child about this when she asks why we aren't together anymore?"

"Just take a minute, you don't know the full story and neither does Y/NN but do you not think if this was cheating, that idiot would at least try to hide it? Stall it at the very minimum? But no, instead you were told and Y/NN took responsibility, isn't that what you wanted?"

"Not like this. I can't believe your taking
sides right now!" I stood up, I had to stretch. My left hand supported my back while I paced.

"I'm not taking anyone's side here because I don't know the full information and neither do you. All I'm saying is before you give up and have your pity party, find out when, where and how."

"Your right. Pass me the phone."

"Are you ringing Y/NN?"

"No! How can I trust that shit now? I want to see it."

"I get that but think about this for a minute. Once you've done this you can't un see it, those images will be printed on your mind forever and no matter what you feel right now, I know you also love Y/NN deeply."

"So what do you want me to do? Sit here wondering? It can't be worse than my imagination Lauren."


My heart went into overdrive as soon as I received the file on my phone. It hadn't taken Bryant much convincing so I'm pretty sure
Y/NN was there with him. My finger hovered over the play button, I felt sick.

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