Chapter 69

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Mila PoV

"No, not picking up." Mike told us defeatedly.

"Mila don't worry." Louise assured. "Y/NN never could deal with being the centre of attention. They'll be back soon."

"Should've got Y/NN chipped like Mr Wiseman!" Danny laughed, grabbed a handful of skittles and ran out the room, clearly as hopped up on sugar as my mother and Louise were on alcohol.

Lauren's eyes met mine and I knew what she was thinking straight away. She rushed to the door and then remembered I was virtually stranded without help and came back to get me.

Focusing in the study was difficult to say the least but we got into the laptop relatively easily. Same code as the alarm system, I had to remember that!

There it was within seconds, flashing at us, a big green light on some weird dog version of find my phone.

The idiot was at my house.

"You want me to drive you?"

"Yes please." I was so determined I even tried to get out of the chair myself!

"What are you two doing in here?" My mother appeared in the doorway with a stern look that confused Lauren and I.

"Nothing Mami."

"You can't go snooping around, you don't live here anymore!"

"Okay! Calm yourself. We're just trying to find Y/NN."


"Lauren's going to take me home."

"Mija, don't be cross. Y/N'll be back, we all need some space every now and then."

"Y/NN's at mine Mami. I'm not cross at all, I just want to talk about the interview. You know how anxious that idiot gets."

"Mmmm, come on now you two, out of here. Can you tell Y/NN I'm staying here tonight."

"Your what?" I'd finally managed to stand up, let alone get my head around my mothers behaviour.

"I'm staying over. Louise and I are taking Danny to Echo Park early tomorrow. We didn't think either of you would want to come."

"That's fine but no more drinking yeah?"

"Oh pffft! You might be a Mami now Camila but your not mine. I'm yours."

"Don't I know it. Love you."

"You too. Ring if you need anything. Also remember that if you do need me, Y/NN'll have to come pick me up."

Helpful. About to drop, my baby daddy's done a runner and my mother's hammered. Fantastic timing everyone.

We made the short drive and saw Y/NN walking to the car with Mr Wiseman. Definitely shocked to see us, I could see a tinge of embarrassment on those cheeks.

"I'm so sorry baby, I was just coming to get you."

"It's ok Y/NN, help me in? I'm pretty sure my ride wants to get back so she can fuck Mike."

"Mila!" Lauren protested, she went to hit my shoulder but thought better of it. Probably because the slightest knock could upset my balance.

"No judgement here Laur." Y/NN said smiling. A big smile. I looked up at the basketball star with my eyes raised before saying goodbye to Lauren. Reminding myself to let go of the jealousy, even if I did think Y/NN was smiling at the thought of Lauren in bed.

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