9. Not that Perfect...

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Aiden's P.O.V

"Haw that hurt princess! By the way, there is someone who is perfect in the world!" I said as my eyes drifted on her.

"Oh yeah? Who?" She snickered.


Her eyes shot up as she looked at me with a shocked expression, "Haha real funny!"

"I am not kidding." I said solemnly. She just squinted her eyes at me. Finally she gave up and sighed, "You are flirting with me? Just come on, there are real girls dying on you out there, they are your real perfect. This is a lame way of trying to make me fall for you! Those wannabe girls would find this so cute and charming!" She mocked.

Her words brought an unwavering rage through me. It was not an 'I want to kill you' rage but a 'you are so bloody wrong' rage. It made me angry seeing how she always saw me. 

"I am not what you think princess. I am not a sex crazed player and heartbreaker. I am more than that and you are just refusing to see that guy, but anyways you are not the first one so I don't expect different from you too!" I mumbled quietly. 

"I- I didn't mean like that Aiden..." She avoided my gaze. I chuckled humorlessly, "Of course you didn't. That is why you are always looking at me with a hint of disgust, thinking how that is the only thing on my mind!"

"No it is not! I never thought of you like that! At first, of course. But not now, I have spent some ample amount of time with you to see that you are more than I believed! I- I just lost it now when you kept saying I was perfect. I am not what you or anyone else thinks. I am not perfect, I have many flaws. I just... don't reveal them maybe or you don't notice them. I- I just don't like the fact when people tend to think I have the perfect happy life." She sighed.

I ran a hand through my hair. "I am sorry too. I didn't mean to accuse you or something; but you are special and perfect. I know that." I smiled.

She mumbled something under her breath as she smiled back. I finally parked the car near the sidelines, under the tree. 

"What are we doing here?" She asked as I led her out of the car. I just grinned as I pulled her with me. I stopped in front of an ice cream truck.

"Ice cream?" She smiled. 

"Needed an ice-breaker!" I winked at her. 

"God that was the worst pun ever!" She rolled her eyes as I grinned. 

"Chocolate!" We both spoke together as the man at the truck nodded and handed out our cones. 

I saw she was about to pull out the money as I quickly pulled out a one dollar note and slipped it to the man.

"Hey I could have paid!" She scowled. 

"Never mind princess, you can buy me a taco or burger or any other food later!" I grinned as she sighed dramatically. 

We both walked together as I pointed towards a garden. We sat at the bench as I savored the ice cream. Suddenly Olivia got up as she raced towards a swing and flopped down on it. 

I chuckled lightly as I sat at the one beside her. "You love swings?" I asked softly. 

"Won't say I love them, but yeah I like the way the wind hits my face when I go high up!" She smiled, her eyes gleaming for the first time I had ever seen. She was truly happy today.

She swung lightly as she licked her ice cream. I realized I was staring at her as I looked away. I didn't know why but I felt free today, like everything was bright. I felt light and happy truly. 

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