22. Blame it on the Hormones!

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Aiden's P.O.V

As I reached home, I rushed up to my room. I slammed the door as I threw my bag in a corner. I lied down on the bed as I shut my eyes. 

I tried to think of something else, but only her face popped up always. It was now getting too much for me. 

She was not willing to let me in so why do I push in? Why am I so desperate to break her? She has her secrets, so let her have them. 

Not everyone wishes to share everything. I maybe don't even mean that much to her that she will consider me worthy of sharing it with me.

She even said yes to me for the party because I created that drama over there. No need for me to go behind her like a lost puppy.

Stop chasing her Aiden! She clearly doesn't feel the way you do so why run behind her? 


But what about the fact that I can't stop thinking about her? That she is the only one I want to see, to be with now?

Why is this happening to me?

I heard a loud noise from outside. I rushed to the window as I saw Olivia standing in her room. It looked like she smashed something on her wall, a vase or something. 

I was about to ask her but stopped. Giving space begins now. She noticed me as she just stared. But her eyes were shining. They seemed sad and... guilty?

I controlled myself as I just closed the curtains. 


The next day, Noah was also silent. He understood what might have happened. I didn't tell him what exactly happened. 

I just told him that Olivia and I had fallen out. He didn't push it further seeing my state. I was not in the mood of interaction for now. 

"You want a toast?" Noah asked me quietly. I just shook my head. 

"You had just one." He protested. 

"Not really hungry." I shrugged. He put the toast on my plate as he murmured, "I don't really care."

I sighed as I had it, but it felt like brick. I just swallowed it anyways, not wanting to worry Noah as he gave me looks of concern. 

As we reached college, I pulled out my phone to distract myself. I didn't even realize that Noah had walked somewhere else. 

Suddenly I bumped into someone. 

"Sorry!" We both said it once. I looked up as I immediately stiffened. It was Olivia. Her eyes also widened as she realized it was me. 

"Aiden-" She started but I cut her off as I said blankly, "Later Olivia."

I walked away before she could say anything again. My body was urging me to turn around once but I knew I couldn't. I just walked away. 

A/N: There is a P.O.V change here so here we go!

Olivia's P.O.V

As I looked up, I realized it was Aiden I bumped into. His steel grey eyes went cold once they set on me. 

"Aiden-" I tried to say but he cut me off as he said in a cold tone, "Later Olivia."

Olivia, not princess. I don't know why that hurt. 

He walked away after that. I got a sudden urge to shout his name and stop him, but I couldn't. After what happened, maybe I deserved to be ignored. 

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