» 23 «

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"Well, will she be alright?!"

"I'm sure of it, she just needs rest. Not every day that you get attacked by a werewolf."

"Bloody hell, now I feel stupid whining about that dog bite on my leg."

I slowly opened my eyes, groaning at the bright light entering my vision. I closed them shut again but cleared my throat to let everyone know I was conscious.

"Y/n!" I heard Wren cheer and I opened my eyes once again. This time expecting the brightness, so it wasn't that bad. My head felt heavy and my body numb as I tried to sit up straight.

"So, why exactly can't I feel my legs?" I was scared to ask, but obviously, I had to. They all had an awkward smile on their lips, trying to avoid eye contact.

"It's not permanent!" Harry said quickly after seeing the panic on my face become more prominent. A sigh of relief escaped my lips, but his answer still didn't satisfy me.

"Well, when you and Harry ran after the werewo- I mean, professor Lupin, he kind of.. got you," Wren jumped in, pointing at my legs. "Don't worry, Madame Pomfrey almost has you back to normal. But she said the pain would be too excruciating to not numb your legs before the process."

"Apparently it's happening right now!" Hermione burst, seemingly very fascinated by the whole ordeal. "Like, you actually can't feel a thing?" She asked interested.

I simply shook my head, "Nothing."

My eyes wandered around the room, memories from the last time I was here flooding my head. Harry, Hermione and Wren were standing around me, while Ron was laying in the hospital bed next to me. I wasn't quite sure what happened to him.

Coincidentally, I was in the same bed Malfoy chose when I brought him here and I found myself staring at the same group of trees I was back then.

"Well, I better let Snape know you're okay. He asked me to," Wren suddenly said and I furrowed my brows.

"He did?" I said, confused at the sudden interest, but the look on her face was just as confused as mine when she walked toward the exit of the hospital wing.

The door swung open with a loud creak before she could ever reach it, though. My attention was caught by headmaster Dumbledore and Wren gave him a quick nod before hurrying past him, out of the door.

Harry and Hermione ran towards him as soon as they saw him. "Headmaster you've got to stop them! They've got the wrong man!" Hermione began, her voice full of desperation.

"It's true, sir, Sirius is innocent!" Harry chimed in.

"It's Scabbers who did it." I'm sure Ron was trying to clear the situation up but ended up only confusing the headmaster more. "Scabbers?" He asked, proving my point.

Ron rambled on about his rat and I could see Dumbledore was completely losing the plot. "-Point is, we know the truth." I interrupted the ginger boy and Hermione shot me a grateful look.

"Please believe us, sir," She said afterwards, her attention back on Dumbledore.

"I do, Miss Granger," He assured her, his hand resting on her shoulder. "But I'm sorry to say the words of four 16-year-old wizards will convince few others."

He looked back and forth between the two of them before walking towards mine and Ron's beds. "A child's voice, however honest and true, is meaningless for those who have forgotten how to listen." He said while patting Ron's injured leg with a little too much force.

He winced as soon as Dumbeldore's hand hit his bandaged foot and the headmaster gave me a wink at the sound.

Was this late karma for what Ron had said about me? Delivered by Dumbledore himself? A small smile flashed over my face but I quickly remembered how serious this situation was.

The sound of the bell caught professor Dumbeldore's attention and his eyes got a little wider at the sound. As if he realised something.

"Mysterious thing; time. Powerful, and when meddled with, dangerous." He started walking back towards the open doors, looking out into the corridor. "Sirius Black is the topmost cell of the Dark Tower."

In one swift motion, he turned around to us one last time, his eyes on Hermione. "You know the laws, Miss Granger. You must not be seen and you would do well, I feel, to return before this last time. If not, the consequences are too ghastly to discuss."

Ron and I were exchanging looks of utter confusion while trying to follow whatever Dumbledore was trying to tell her. I didn't understand a thing, though. And neither, it seemed, did Ron.

"If you succeed tonight, more than one innocent life may be spared. Three times should do it, I think." And with that, he turned to leave the room.

He was just about to close the door behind him when he stopped himself and turned around again. "Oh, by the way, when in doubt, I find retracing my steps to be a wise place to begin. Good luck." The door closed with a loud thump.

"what the bloody hell was that all about?" Ron and I both said at the same time, as soon as the headmaster had left.

"Sorry guys, but seeing as you both can't walk.." She trailed off while pulling a necklace out of her shirt and putting it around hers and Harry's neck.

She was fidgeting with it for a moment, but both of their backs were turned towards us. Then, without warning, they disappeared.

"Before you ask, I don't know, either." I quickly clarified, just as confused as Ron. We both knew we were clueless and he just gave me a half-hearted laugh.

"Look, Y/n, I wanted to-" Before Ron could finish his sentence, the door Dumbledore had just disappeared out of opened once again.

I tilted my head to one side at the sight I was presented with. As if they didn't just disappear out of the room five seconds ago, Harry and Hermione walked through the door.

"How did you get there?!" Ron asked, his finger pointing at them. I was with him on this one. "Who-What-We were talking to you there!" His finger was now pointing at the spot they were standing at just before they disappeared.

"-And now you're there!" I said with a horrified expression, completely lost.

"What are they talking about, Harry?" Hermione said with a smirk, clearly enjoying the situation.

"I don't know.. Honestly guys, how can somebody be in two places at once?" They both laughed and as they were talking I remembered McGonagall. How she seemed to be in two places at once my first night at Hogwarts.

"It's a time-turner!" I yelled, finally figuring out what was going on. "Isn't it?"

Hermione nodded, still with a smile on her lips. "McGonagall gave it to me," She said to clarify and a knowing smile formed on my lips.

"Of course she did."

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