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the Angel didn't even know when did he pass that portal, all he knew was he's already inside the true Mauvais. Soobin followed right behind next to him as he scanned his eyes to the whole big city. so this was the true Mauvais? it was dark, dusky but he can see small different lights emitted on the darkness, it was a lights spots coming from a certain beings. a big wide shining oval was in the middle of the city. with a different hues of colors.

"We're here, Highness." Soonbin said with the respectful tone on his voice, Heeseung felt lightheaded just by looking at the spotted lights so he closed his eyes for a mere second and blinked it. "so this is the true Mauvais?"
he asked, he can't believe he finally entered the city back.

"yes, it is." Soobin responded and walks up to his side.
his blue hair bouncing as the fresh crystal dusts fell down to the ground, his wings flapping in excitement as his lips held into a small genuine smile. "but why it's still dark?" Heeseung asked again, he was curios about the fact that the picture outside was completely similar to the inside. though, inside have spots of different lights enough for them to light up.

"Mauvais? it's because Mauvais means darkness and wicked at the same time. but we aren't wicked." Soobin explains as Heeseung looked at him understanding while nodding his head. "and that's why Mauvais was called dark city because people outside think there was no one or many creepy things happens here, we also decided to stay here for the best. we don't want normal people calling us weak and cursed." Soobin added as he frowns.

"Why? what do you mean by people calling you weak and cursed?" the angel asked again, sure this angel has a lot of questions. "Angel, Do you know why you are here?" Soobin asked back, ignoring the other's question.
"yes," Heeseung trailed off and he looked at the shining oval, the light was a shade of a little lavender and a deep purple mixed. "I wanted to know myself." he adds and then stopped in his feet, scanning his eyes once more time before he steps down a small looking stair that goes down to the actual city's ground. "Lucky, you've came to the perfect place to know yourself." Soobin grins and steps in front of him.

"I can gave you a tour around." Soobin offered kindly the sweet smile still on his lips, "sounds fun." Heeseung replied and smiled back. forgetting about the question from last time, they continued walking. the grassy ground brushing his feet, they passed into several houses. they were all small and the insides were dark, still he can see the shining of lights. just like how the fairy's blue transparent wings glowed, as he continued to lead the way. "the city have no lights?" he suddenly blurts out making Soobin stop walking and turn back to him. "no, we don't have."


"Because all of us in here glows, our body glows in the darkness and the lights we provided gave us enough amount of light for us to see and do things." the fairy explains.

"oh" Heeseung said in a small voice they continued walking in different path and turns, they arrived in front of a wide oval in the middles of the city. it was really purple when up this close. "All of you here is fairies?"
he questions again and Soobin only gave him a nod.

"Yes, we are."

"cool." Heeseung spoke as he thinks about how people would treat fairies when they're out in this dark city, he wondered would people treat the fairies like his people treated them? it was confusable. he was also amazed that the Daegu country had a city full of fairies and only fairies. he wondered too if Agust knows about this.

"Why is the sacred here Soobin?"

a sudden voice spoke, as a figure came out of the shining big oval. "Hyung." Soobin looked down as the fingure was already full out of the oval and stood in front of them. a rather tall man with a peach colored haired, his clothing was a simple all white, a long sleeved for his top and trousers for the bottom wear. the transparent wings rested peacefully on his back, he was shining with crystal dust as it also surrounded his fairy wings.

"I'm asking you. Why is he here?" the peach fairy asked in a stern voice making Soobin gulp and look back at Heeseung hesitantly, while the angel awkwardly stood behind the younger fairy. he didn't know what he'll do, he doesn't even know what they're talking about. not like he wanted too. "Something important to do." Soobin calmly replied as the fairy raised his brow at him.

"And what is it that it is important?" the fairy asked again, Soobin looked at the angel fully. giving him a look as if he was trying to ask some help. Heeseung shrugged and turned his back to the two, scanning his eyes through the darkness again.

the blue haired fairy steps inside and whispered something to the peach. "the sacred wants to now himself." Soobin mumbled into his ear as he smirked a little. "in be able to be the next King of Daegu." Soobin continued and steps back.

"oh I see," the peach straightened his posture as hewalks towards the the angel, Heeseung steps back a little as the peach fairy came closer. the peach was looking at him deeply, like he was shooting daggers at the back of the angel's neck.

"Welcome to Mauvais."

"First Sacred."

[chapters are so blunt. I hate me so much.]

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