Chapter 17: Cold well

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"My uncles dragon, had no other place to bury him." Hagrid said in a calm tone. We both shot our heads in his direction with horror on our faces.

"Only joking kids, just fungus, nothing to be scared of." He laughed at us.

"This will take us hours and the sun is already setting." Draco shot angry at the giant.

"So, not afraid of the dark are yeh?" He brushed his big crusty hands through Draco's hair and walked off. "See you in a bit." was the last thing he said.

"He is going to leave us alone?" I screamed out of irritation.

"He clearly doesn't know why we are in detention." Malfoy added to my comment and shoved some leaved aside with his foot.

"You mean, us hating each other so much that we would give up our weekends?"

"Exactly." Malfoy laughed, but corrected his face right after.

"Please say  you know a spell for this." I stared at the blonde boy. He was fixing his hair after Hagrid had petted him.

"Do you really think I am going to clean that, are you mental? They are definitely teaching us a lesson, otherwise they wouldn't let us alone." He sat himself down against the stone wall of the well.

"You are not as stupid as you look." I sat myself beside him and couldn't supress a small laugh. I saw him relax as well. The sun was setting and it was reflecting in different shades of red and yellow in the sky. It was a true eyecatcher. It was quiet for a long while when someone spoke again.

"Why do we keep doing this to ourselves?" It was barely a whisper.

"Already told you, because we hate each other." I answered, still looking at the colour palette in the sky.

"You know that's not true." Again, barely a whisper. I noticed he tensed up beside me.

"What?" I turned my head, probably with a confused look.

"We've been through a lot remember." He tried explaining. I kept looking at him with a blank face, so he continued. "We've spend some time in the hospital together, the dreams, the talks. And you almost drowned but I fucking saved you." It was quiet for a bit.

"Having each other for Secret Santa, that was definitely the worst." I laughed.

"This all started on the Platform in London, were you ran me over." He tucked his hands between his legs to warm it, I did the same.

"Your dad wasn't very nice that day." I remembered it vividly.

"Yeah, that was one of his brighter days, trust me." He let out a small laugh.

"Poor you." I said sarcastically. He bumped my shoulder, playfully. "The talk in the corridors, the freaking Halloween masked ball." I dug every memory of us up. He laughed loudly.

"The masked ball damn goodness, what was that. Absolutely nothing can ever top that awkwardness." He covered his face with his hands. I was laughing too.

"Don't forget the interaction in the astronomy tower afterwards." I added, reliving everything again and again. I tried to keep the Fred things out. It seemed like it was working for once.

"Or the time you caught me and Parkinson in the chapel." We both broke out in a laughter. "No wonder we hate each other, we are traumatized." He giggled.

"Thought you said we didn't hate one another?" I gave him a genuine smile.

"Oh yeah, almost forgot." He smiled back with the same kind of smile. That was the moment, just sitting next to each other watching the sun set and talking why and were it all went wrong. At the time our throats were sore, I was shivering. It was twilight by now. Stillness overcame us, letting the wind make all the noise between us.

"When is that oaf going to return?" Draco said all of the sudden. I was startled by his voice. "Bad conscious?" He asked me with one eyebrow raised.

"From what, evil little Malfoy's like you?" I was teasing him and pushing my limits. It seemed like I hadn't reached them jet. he was standing now, right in front of me and gestured his hand to stand up too. I took it, it still felt cold. I pulled myself up and fixed my robes, brushing leaves and grass off of it. I was trying so hard not to be uber aware of the fact that he was basically hovering above me, only a few centimetres apart.

"Perhaps yes." he leaned in, grabbed the back of my head with one hand and pressed his lips softly onto mine. At first I was hesitant, but quickly I kissed him right back, a lot harder than I had planned. I felt his lips curl up into a smile over my reaction. Our lips that were touching softly, were now moving over each other hungerly. He pushed me with my back against a tree. My hands dug themselves into his hair while his were burning against my waist. I let out a soft sigh before pushing him away.

"Am with Fred." I sighed out in a reflex.

"You sure about that?" He shot back, his blue eyes wild. We were standing against each other, both out of breath. My back still against the big tree he had pushed me to. My hands were on his chest. I stretched my arm to break the contact and putting some distance between us. Our eyes met again, not knowing what to do or to say next.

"Pretty sure." I said calmly, looking at him.

"Well, I am also sure I saw him with another girl." He said in his irritated tone, his jaws clenched. I froze at the spot.

"What?" I asked, pushing him even more away. "When did he even come back?" My stomach dropped and excitement filled my body, but quickly dropped again. "You're bluffing." I accused him.

"I am sorry, this was a huge mistake." Malfoy spat, tormented and took a few steps back. He took his wand out, shot a spell at the well and started to walk off towards the castle. I was at the edge of the forbidden forest in the cold and the dark. I tried to catch up with Him. I took a few steps forward, seeing that the well was all cleaned up and not a single fungus was to be found. So he did know a spell. I ran up the hill, towards him, not seeing were I placed my feet. I was almost next to him when I tripped over something. Before my face could meet the wet cold ground, a pair of cold stiff hands caught me from the side and pulled me up.

"Watch were you are going, will you?" He shot at me in an annoyed tone. I felt overwhelmed. Without thinking I grabbed his arm and made him look at me. Facing each other, not saying anything just staring. I couldn't let out a single word, I simply didn't know what to say or even what to think. He raised an eyebrow when he realised I was not going to say anything and pulled himself out of my gip. He walked off, not caring If I could keep up with his passes or not.

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