Chapter 62: deadly fire

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Weeks had gone by. Draco and Anna both not showing up. Those were to most lonely times of my existence. The school had been infiltrated by death eaters. Every time one came close by, my mark would crawl under my morbid skin. I had tried to cut it out or rip it off at least a thousand times, making the skin above growing back thicker. There had been rumours that Harry potter was back in Hogwarts, yet no one had spotted him. I was doing my homework, alone in my dorm when a strange unpleasant sensation overshadowed my attention, tracing it back towards my mark. In pain, I rolled up my sleeve to look at it. the snake was active and urging me to step up. this is it, they are calling me. At this moment I understood Draco. The extreme urge to do what it says. The pain worsened the longer I did nothing, it forced me up. I walked down to the common room, seeing Draco walking out of his dorm as well, worry written all over his face while he was scratching his arm. He was being called to. I looked at him, afraid to go alone. He looked at me the same. "Let's go." He whispered in my direction when he passed me.

"I am afraid." I managed to make out. "Is it normal that it hurts like a bitch?" I asked him. Every possible scenario swept through my brain on why they were calling us. Where they going to marry us? Was I going to see Anna or my parents? Where they going to kill me because I remembered? I was spiralling.

"You will get used to it." Was his only answer. This was my life now. Our mark leaded us towards a hidden room far behind the dungeons. Draco hesitated for the slightest moment before opening the door. A strong wind pulled us inside the room and shut the door behind us. The wind was a ghostlike creature, clearly a creation from the demon itself. It came closer and closer, cornering us. The ghost who was standing before us, reached its tentacles deep into our brains, giving us a clear vision. Draco and I opened our eyes at the exact same time, no trace left of the ghost. We knew what we had to do. The vision was clear, find the diadem of Ravenclaw and deliver it to the vanishing cabinet tat Draco had installed a couple of months ago. I was about to open my mouth, asking why this was so important, but my gut feeling said otherwise. So I stayed quiet.

"I know where it is." Draco said and walked of. Scared as a little child, I followed him towards the room of requirements. yet this time it wasn't this big beautiful room, it was a storage filled with old stuff from bottom to top.

"How are we going to find this thing in here?" I asked him loudly.

"Sst!" He hid himself behind a big pile of books and pulled me with him. He pointed at a spot in the distance and made me hear closely. We were not alone.

"Who is here?" I said without making a sound. I heard it clearly now, it was Harry and Ron. Oh no, Merlin please no. We were both listening till a tap on my shoulder made me jump in the air and release a sound. Draco covered my mouth in a reflex. Behind us were Grable and Blaise, clearly surprised to see me with him. Blaise looked down at my arm and I knew he knew enough. Grable on the other hand stayed oblivious till the end.

"What are you doing here?" Draco mouthed in distress towards his loyal friends.

"Helping you, you jackass." Blaise answered. What are we doing?" Grable asked.

"Making sure Potter doesn't get a nice piece of jewellery from here." Draco answered sarcastically. The hand on my mouth gave me a sensation over my whole body. I ripped myself out of his grip and made them shut up.

"Listen." I said very lowly. "It is too quiet." I mouthed. My sentence wasn't cold yet or we got attacked by a spell.

"Septum Sempra." A green light stroke hit the books near us, coming out of a wand. I peeked around the corner to be met with the eyes of Harry. First surprise than suspicion and then anger written in them. "YOU TOO?" He shouted at me. "You are at his side now?" He screamed.

"Harry, no!" I tried to explain myself, but another spell was already flying our way. Draco pulled me aside just in time. "Thanks." I mumbled under my breath.

"Remember what you are here for." He snapped at me in anger. "Potter." He shouted, pushing me behind him out of sight. "Can't let you take that." He said in a stern voice.

"Is your master looking for it too?" He answered. "Now am even more sure I have the right thing." He challenged him. "You will never lay a hand on this." He spatted at Draco.

"Expelliramus!" A spell hit me from behind, knocking me towards the ground while my wand flew out of my hands.

"RON?" I shouted, betrayed. When in fact, I was the one betraying them.

"Petrificus totalus!"

"Stupify!" All kinds of spell flew through the air, colouring the distance between me and them. Draco was firing and blocking one spell after the other when they ran away.

"They have the diadem!" Blaise shouted. We followed.

"You can't keep running away Potter." Draco shouted. "Expelliramus!" The wand of Hermione flew right into his hand. He handing it over to me. "Use it." He bit his teeth. I didn't want this at all. I didn't want to use a spell on my friends with their own wand. But the snake on me wrist insisted.

"Curcio." The words slit out of my mouth. The wand pointed at the red haired girl I once wanted to call my friend. Luckily, I missed. In no time I got one back, blocking it with no problem. Hermione's wand was good. out of breath I was hiding behind a pile of chairs, having little gaps to look through. I had no idea where they were. I could hear my heart pumping in my ears. I saw Draco in a distance, ready to ambush Neville. Poor Neville. I had to contain myself to not warn him. In a sprint, I rushed towards the other side of the room, pointing my wand at its owner.

"Avadakadavra!" The words ego-ed through the room of requirements. Draco pointed his wand, wanting to hit Harry with his spell. Ron swung his wand in one motion shouting a spell I couldn't even pronounce, creating an aggressive basilisk out of fire, mirroring the spell back at Draco.

"DRACO WATCH OUT!" I shouted. The blonde boy dived to the ground, missing the killing curse. Me sprinting towards him, realising what was about to come. Only a few meters away, a giant fire snake was ready to burn us all.  

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