Chapter 6: Poison partner

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I woke up, still feeling tired. Draco had awakened me more than 3 times last night. All because of his bad dreams. I sat op and noticed he was already dressed and was collecting his stuff. He was not wearing his regular robes, but a black suit with a silver belt that broke the monochrome look of the outfit. He looked a little too good in it. I forced myself to look away, before he could notice me almost drooling all over myself. I never really noticed he was kind of fine. He got up and started to walk towards the door without giving me a glance. "Were are you going?" I said confused, but trying not to sound interested.

"Away. We have been tortured enough with each other's company." He said, still without looking behind. He had stopped his pass.

"If you can leave, I am out of here too!" I got up and scraped some dirty clothes together to get dressed.

"Suit yourself." He said with absolutely no emotions and started to walk forward again. He opened the door and closed it hard behind him. I walked towards the Slytherin common room, expected to be alone. I slammed the portrait shut and stumbled across the room. My heart made a jump when I saw Anna sitting by the fireplace. She looked at me with guilt and stood up quickly. She was kissing a sixth year. I stood there with wide eyes and waited for someone to say something.

"hey, you are back! Didn't expect you yet." She gave me an apologetic smile.

"I can see that." I rolled my eyes and started to walk towards my bed. I closed the curtains, hanging besides it. I heard someone get up and leave the room.

"Sorry about that." she opened my curtains and joined my little cosy space. I was leaning against the big uncomfortable bedframe, with my head between my knees.

"It's fine, I see you got over Malfoy." I dropped. My eyes shot up to meet hers. Her cheeks turned red. "Were you going to tell me?"

"I tried to, but you hate him so much that I was afraid you would start to hate me too." She looked down. Her lip was trembling.

"It is all right if you want to keep things private, but hearing it from the guy who put me into the hospital was painful." My voice was soft, not wanting to make her feel more horrible about it.

"Were you... together... in the hospital?" She stuttered over a couple of words. She looked down again.

"Yes, but we didn't speak at all. He woke me up a couple of times at night because of his stupid nightmare's. It was torture." That last sentence was not my own.

"Oh yeah, I am so glad you are back. We have missed you." She replied in a smile.

"who is we?"

"Anna and me of course!" Someone came in exactly the right moment. It was Derek. He had a huge smile on his face. He forced the curtains open and gave me a tight hug without a warning.

"I have missed you too guys!" I couldn't breathe in his grip. I gave him a pat on the shoulder. "So, who was the guy?" I brushed my clothes smooth and looked at Anna with curious eyes, a wide smile growing on my face. Derek broke down into a laugh.

"You were here with Marcus Flint?" He was rolling with laughter. "The guy came into the common room with his face almost on the ground." His eyes flew towards the door and back again at Anna's face.

"What did you do to him?" I laughed at her.

"Nothing , that is probably the problem. The git was trying stuff the whole time." She said with an angry face.

"Ew, good that I came in then." I said, hoping nothing bad had happened otherwise. "Stay away from him." I added.

"Have no problem with that." She said while she rolled with her eyes at the thoughts. We sat and talked with each other till after curfew. I really was blessed with friends like them. 2 weeks had passed and Malfoy seemed to ignore me completely. Halloween was around the corner and a big party was being organized for the whole school. It will be a masked Halloween themed ball. At this point of the semester I was failing a couple of classes due to mental health reasons. I was alone most of the time, even when I had Anna and Derek. I preferred to be. In my free time I was mostly reading a book at the lake, wrapped in a thick blanket. It was cold for this time of year. Sometimes it gets quite overwhelming. Hogwarts is a very busy place, I like to retreat from time to time to favourite spot. Under the tree nearby the lake is a bench. I claimed it to be mine. Since the word got out that I had hexed Malfoy into hospital, people did not dare to cross me. Good for me, I guess. I was walking towards first period class after lunch. I was 30 minutes early. I preferred to sit here alone for a little while over than ging to the common room and bump into serval people. I looked beside me and noticed a little hallway that would give me some privacy. I sat down on the cold stone windowsill and leaned my head onto the brick wall, closing my eyes. I let out of couple of deep breaths before opening them again. I took out my book and browsed through the pages, without giving it real attention. Someone approached me and sighed loudly when they saw this spot was taken. I peeked around the corner to see who was coming. It was Malfoy. He turned around the moment he saw me.

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