Chapter 57: snake like

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They day went on in a blur. The classes were boring and the food not tasty. Even the sunny weather seamed more grey than usual. It felt like there was a big cloud in my skull were my brain was supposed to be. I hadn't seen Anna or Draco for the whole day. Maybe they were fighting or something. The noise around me at the dinner table overwhelmed me. I was sitting alone, eating food that wasn't tasty and the noise around me overshadowed me completely. I decided to grab my stuff and just go outside. I walked over towards the lake at my tree. I seated myself at the roots and opened my homework due to next week. I didn't had anything better to do at that moment. I looked around me, trying to wipe away the fuzziness inside my brain and really look at the beauty of the sunset. Even though I was concentrating really hard, it didn't work. I felt drunk without having touched a drop of alcohol. In the corner of my eye, I saw Draco walking over the grass toward the castle. I jumped onto my feet and rushed towards him.

"Hey you, haven't seen you all day." I said softly, prepared for every possible outcome of this conversation. He gave me a nasty look up and down.

"What do you want?" He said, looking at my dirty shoes.

"You have just been acting very strange today, everything okay?" My heartbeat sped up.

"You have no idea how I am, Diana." I knew this face well enough. It was the face he made towards people who disgusted him, people who were under his standard.

"Why are you acting like this and why are you calling me Diana?" I got furious and just like my anger, my anxiety shot up.

"Why are you fucking bothering me, go annoy my cousin or something." And just like that, he stormed off. What. The. Hell. I was prepared for a lot, but definitely not for this. I was struggling to hold back my tears. So he really did use me for sex? All this months leading up to sex and ditch? That can't be right. But the look on his face spoke book parts. He never ever had looked at me like that once. He did really mean it. I wondered around the castle till past curfew to find Anna. Where the hell could she be? I hadn't seen her after we got kicked out of class this morning. I leaned against a wall and let myself sink onto the floor, my hands covering my face.

"You all right?" A familiar voice asked me softly. I didn't need to look to know it was Neville.

"Why are you still wandering the corridors after curfew?" I asked him, peeking through my fingers.

"Why are you sitting here alone?" He sat beside me.

"I really can use a friend right now to be honest." I tried my best to keep my tears in. "Have you seen Anna by any chance?" I asked in an hopeless attempt to make things make sense.

"Oh she left." He said. "She didn't tell you?" He looked me dead in the eyes.

"She left to where?" My heartbeat shot up again. Worry, anger and confusion must have been written on my face.

"She left with a big carriage from her family. I don't know more. I've just seen her." He spoke while looking at me, worried.

"Oh." Nothing made sense. It made everything even worse. "Am just going to bed." I forced a fake smile on my face. "Thank you."

"Are you sure you are all right?" He asked me.

"Yea, yea don't worry. Goodnight Neville, will see you around." I said with a smile on my face. The moment I turned my back towards him, the smile dropped and made place for tears. I could really use a hug from Harry or Fred right now. I had a restless night. I was used to it by now, but this time it was different. No one to comfort me, no one who understanded me and knew what I had been trough. I felt utterly and hopelessly alone that I was considering sneaking into the Gryffindor common room. But it wasn't worth the trouble if I got caught, which was very likely to happen at this hour of night. Next morning I woke up alone, puffy and tired. I had seen every hour on the clock and hadn't had enough sleep. I hadn't even stepped out of my bed completely or my head started pounding and my heart racing again. "This is going to be a good day." I whispered to myself, full of sarcasm. I managed to drag myself toward breakfast and my first class of the day. My anxiety shot up when I saw Draco sitting on the first row in class. I shoved as much students aside as possible to get to him. Saying a few sorry's in between. "I need to talk to you." I declared. I hadn't had the time and the energy to say hello. He was rude to me so why would I even bother to say hello.

"Gosh, get out of my sight." He said while biting his teeth.

"I've had enough. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON WITH YOU? And where the hell is Anna?" I screamed. Luckily the professor hadn't arrived yet, but all of the students were invested in our fight.

"Get the fuck away from me, freak. I swear to you, I will cruciate you if you talk to me once again!" I fell quiet after hearing his words. I felt my heart drop and my hands turn cold. All students around me where laughing and giving me dirty looks. He did use me. I've had enough. I ran outside the classroom, trying to hold back tears when I bumped right into a tall woman with dusty old clothes and a smell of rotten flesh.

"Am sorry." I sobbed. I almost gagged when the smell reached my nose.

"What's wrong, hun hun?" A sharp high pitched voice whispered. I looked up and was met with eyes greener than venom and hair wilder than a storm. I didn't know for sure who she was, but I knew my time was here and that is wasn't going to end well. I got a hold on my wand and stepped a few steps back.

"School drama." I said very carefully. I tried to walk past her but she blocked my way. I started running the opposite way but that triggered the woman even more. She grabbed me by my hair and pulled me right over. Goosebumps were all over my body, knowing damn well where this woman was so familiar from. A horrific smiled formed upon her lips when she saw my facial expressions. I got my wand out and shouted something I don't even remember. To no surprise, she blocked the spell immediately. Her snake like tongue slid over her teeth while she whispered something to the air in between us. And everything went black.

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