Chapter 53: Tornado in between two hearts

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looking back, we really did bring out the good in each other. At this time of the year, we were the only Slytherins dining at the big table. We stuffed our faces with as much sugar as the house elves could provide us with. We were laughing the whole time till the point of rolling over the floor and cracking even more jokes. The few students present looked at us in anger and annoyance, but we didn't care. In fact, I had never felt more alive as that day. Leaving breakfast with sicky hands and round bellies, gluing our hands together by the sugar that was still present. It was a nasty feeling, but I loved it. My stomach hurts by the time we left the great hall and decided to go outside. on our way out, my eye fell onto the wall of the castle were a big heart with our initials were carved in.

"Oh, look at that. Looks like faith to me." I stopped in front of the heart. The wind was blowing softly through my hair. Draco placed both arms around me an pulled me into a hug.

"Everyone is starting to notice." He whispered in my ear.

"Noticing what?" I said, looking up. He overshadowed me completely. "You really think this is for us?" I laughed.

"That we are a thing. And yes in fact I do think it is about us. No one else is here and this wasn't here yesterday evening so." He explained.

"Wait." I interrupted him. "Since when are we a thing?" I pulled myself back to look at him. His face went from happy to confused within seconds.

"Oh, did I read the situation wrong?" His face was stern.

"No." I said quickly to set him at ease. "But, I mean..." I brushed through my hair. "You never asked." I said while looking down. Feeling a bit ashamed. He didn't respond. After a silence I looked up, his face looked relieved and relaxed. He had a smile upon his lips.

"Who said I wasn't going to ask?" He whispered, took my hand and lead me furder onto the grass to a spot near the lake. There was a big tree, giving us a shadow with a beautiful view over the grounds of this school.

"It's beautiful here." I noticed. I sat myself down on a blanket and curled up besides Draco. His eyes seemed more light in the sun than they did inside. Those icy blue eyes could be the death of me. He reached inside his robes and revealed two identical books.

"Here." He handed me one.

"The song of Achilles." I read the title.

"It is one of my favourites. I think you would like it too." He looked at me while I was examining the cover. Blue with a silver lyre in front.

"Is this a book date?" I asked him playfully. He must have seen something in my eyes because the moment our eyes locked, his face lightened up.

"I thought, maybe we could read together, in the sun." I had never seen him like this. I knew he could be sweet, but this. I urged the feeling to throw myself in his arms away and straightened my face before answering.

"Sounds like a great plan." I smiled. "It is a beautiful day for it."

"Almost as beautiful as you." I looked away to hide a flush forming on my cheeks. I wished it was always like this.

"What's wrong?" He answered.

"Nothing." I said too quickly. He quirked and eyebrow. "I just wished that It could be like this forever. Easy. With you." I knew he was thinking about it too. Moments like this were very rare for us.

"For now, it is." He took my hand and kissed it. For the rest of the afternoon we were lying in the grass, reading out loud to each other. I was laying on his stomach, twisting my posture to catch the light on my pages. "He is half of my soul, as the poets say." I blew out while closing my book.

"What are your thoughts." Draco asked me after a silence.

"I am just processing the complex feelings they have for each other." I pushed myself up. "The way the author described love." I paused. "Is exact what I am feeling right now." I looked down while snuggling up to him, craving his warmth after this sad but beautiful love story. He let me. The sun was already setting. It was one of the most beautiful days I could remember. Even though we didn't do much, the beauty of it was surreal.

"You forgot the last page." He nodded towards the novel that I had already closed.

"What? I don't think so." I grabbed the book and opened it at the very last page. I indeed didn't read the very last few sentences.

"Remember when you asked me what I wished for as we saw a shooting star? I replied "It's a secret." And you began to pry but still, I kept my lips shut because I knew that the truth might be laughed at or rejected. Souls like yours might be hard to come by, but timing is everything, and you are the shooting star I wished again for. I could not contain myself any longer. I ran to the ocean in the middle of the night and confessed my love for you to the water. As I finished telling her, the salt in my body turned into sugar. You turn our silence into a symphony and the nights into a dance. So alone, never feels alone with you. Let's be alone together."

I read the last few words in silence. This was about us. Before he could notice, I wiped away a tear.

"How did you do this?" I laughed and sniffed. "It looks like this is part of the book." My heart was pounding heavily.

"It's about you." He admitted with a shy smile while looking down. I was staring at him. The peace overcoming me, exactly described as in these sentences.

"Did you write these?" I asked him, stunned.

"I did." He admitted. He lifted his head and looked at me.

"I love you." I said it out loud for the first time. The words danced onto the golden sunrays, reaching him.

"I love you." The emotions on his face shifted to something I hadn't seen before. Is this what love looked like? Golden light dancing in between two souls, setting a strong force of energy in motion like a tornado in between two hearts.

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