Chapter 59: Crucio

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The room was quiet as we all watched how the black ink crawled under my skin and took shape. I just looked at it from a distance. My head was cloudy and my vision blurry. I had never felt emotional so weak and lost, but never felt physically so strong. I felt invincible. The power of the dark mark would protect my body from non-lethal harm at the cost of a lifetime of service to the dark lord. I saw a finger twitch at my side, Anna was waking up. I didn't had the strength to be happy about it, to crawl towards her. I just looked and she looked back.

"Come." A harsh female voice said. "Time to go back home."

"Home?" Anna spat out.

"Your presence won't be necessary now. You will hear from us very soon." A man picked up. His grin gave me shivers down my spine.

"What about him?" I nodded towards the blonde boy who's presence lighted the whole room by the sunlight bouncing of his fair skin.

"He will be your husband soon." The female answered.

"HUSB-?" Before I could finish my sentence, I blacked out again. I woke up in my dormitories, as if nothing had happened. Seemed like only a few hours had passed, yet it felt like weeks. Anna wasn't here with me. Maybe she really was sent home and my parents just didn't care and dropped me off at school. I looked around. Nothing had changed yet everything did for me. The light seemed darker, the soft sheets felt harsher, the joyful posters hanging on the wall made my stomach turn. My life was covered with a big black blanked. My thoughts slid towards my right arm. I was too afraid to look at it yet. The door bounced open, making a loud creaking noise. I jumped in the air out of fear. "What the hell?" I screamed. I turned around to be faced with Draco. Even he seemed different. His features less soft, his hair more gray than blonde, his skin dull. All because of the stupid mark.

"I don't want to marry you, but our parents are forcing us." He stood against the wall, as far from me as possible, looking at the ground with his hands balled into fists.

"I am not marrying anyone, especially not you!" I forced myself to look at him. The unattractiveness I was seeing was therapeutic.

"Nothing to do about it. You will learn, now that you are a follower." He looked at my arm and walked out, leaving the door open. I crashed besides my bed onto the floor. How did this happen? One day ago the whole world was different. Now I was a dead eater, engaged and a stranger to Draco. I was thinking about the words Anna had said before.

"I can't do this." I whispered back to myself. I took a deep breath in and rolled up my sleeve to look at it for the first time. It looked bruised and unhealthy. The black snake thrived under the negative energy it got from me. I was feeding it. Quickly I pulled my sleeve back down.

A week had passed. Everything felt dull, the joy in life was completely sucked away. I wasn't contacted yet, but I was anxiously waiting for it to happen. My parents never send me a letter of visited, they probably didn't care. Anna had tried to talk to me about it, about everything, but I had tried to ignore her for as much as possible. I just wasn't ready for all if this. "Victoria?" A head peeked around the corner.

"Hey Anna." I sounded casual.

"I covered for you for some classes today."

"Thanks." Our conversations were superficial like that. She approached me slowly, looking carefully at every expression in my face.

"How-." She started.

"Don't." I broke her off. I turned myself the other way in my bed, facing the wall.

"You should talk about it."

"I don't need to." And just like that she took off and walked out the room, leaving me alone. Being alone was both my comfort zone and my biggest nightmare. I knew Anna was extremely mad at me for doing this to her. We already had multiple big fights about how she wanted me to let her die and how I didn't respect her wish. Reflecting on it, it was selfish. But I did it out of love and she had probably done the same. At least that is what I made myself believe. I walked toward the only class I couldn't skip that day, till I was stopped by the sound of Malfoy laughing and bragging. I quickened my pace to go talk to him. "Malfoy!" I shouted around the corner.

"Back to calling each other by our last name?" Someone commented bitter. I didn't bother the look at that person.

"We need to talk." I took halt right in front of the blonde boy and spoke with confidence.

"No we don't." Was his only answer.

"We do. I will force you if I have too." I spat back. I need to talk to him about this crazy marriage thing. I would not let this happen, ever.

"You are going to do what, to be exactly?" He provoked me. His friend made a circle around us and laughed loudly.

"Maybe I will use that beautiful curse you family knows so good." I spat back again.

"Oh, like how I cruciated the hell out of you the other day?" He smiled at me and for a moment and I thought I saw the boy I once knew.

"YOU WHAT?" I screamed. The people gathering around us broke down in a whisper.

"Who do you think it was?" He raised an eyebrow. That scumbag cruciated me, after all that had happened and all we had been through together. I couldn't help myself but slap him as harsh as I could in the face. The moment my hand touched his skin, a tingling sensation overshadowed my hand and quickly flooded my whole body. My vision went black and it felt like my heart had stopped. 

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