Chapter 40: Easy friendship

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I followed him through every corridor he went, keeping my distance. He clearly had no idea he was being followed. He was standing before a wall, staring at it. Suddenly a big wooden door appeared. Is that the room of requirements? I gasped loudly. Draco turned around by the sound of that. I hid behind a corner and hoped on my life that he wouldn't come and check. I heard his footsteps going away from me and then, there were none at all. So he has been visiting the room of requirements. The next question was, what was he doing there? I stood in front of the wall, hoping for the door to show, but it didn't. Maybe for the best. What if he sees me? I decided to let it rest for now. I would come back to check on a moment I knew he was occupied with classes. I would probably ditch positions class tomorrow and come here. Next day I snuck out of potions and went straight towards the wall. To my huge surprise, the room showed itself immediately. Maybe he blocked it yesterday or something. Inside were stored all kinds of old junk. The room was cramped. No way I would find something here. Time wasted.

"Were have you been?" I heard Anna the second the door vanished behind me. Behind her was Draco, looking suspiciously at me.

"Didn't feel like working with Malfoy today." I said while passing him, almost bumping his shoulder. He grabbed my arm and looked me harsh in the eyes. I shoved him off. I had to be more careful. He definitely was up to something.

"What are you up to." Malfoy whispered in my ear with a warning voice.

"The real question is, what are you up to." I bite back.

"Stop searching." He warned me. Was I crazy or was there a glint of hopelessness in his tired eyes. I ripped myself free from his grip and walked towards the common room. Anna followed me, confused.

"He is up to something, Anna. Just don't know what." I told her after Draco was far behind us.

"What do you mean?" She asked confused.

"I don't know yet."

I was sitting at The Three Broomsticks again with Fred and the others. It became sort of a routine for us to hang out on Saturdays. I was really glad I got to know these people. Nothing deep, just superficial fun and good company. And beer.

"Good to see you, Harry!" Professor Slukhorn approached us. "How have you been? Hello miss Granger, Weasley, Blackburn." He greeted us all.

"Good thank you! What brings you up here, Professor?" Harry answered.

"I am hosting a Christmas party. Elite group only." He smiled. "You should come, Potter! and you are welcome too, Blackburn." He nodded towards me.

"Oh, that sounds lovely." I answered, I was flattered. I had never belonged to the elite.

"Just wait for my owl." He gave us his old smile and walked away. We all looked at each other and started laughing.

"He was so hammered." Fred snorted out. "Otherwise, he would have invited me too." He smirked sarcastically.

"You aren't even in his class." I laughed and bumped his shoulder. My good mood was interrupted by a cold touch on my shoulder. I jumped in my seat and turned around. It was Blaise.

"Hey! Nice to see you. Haven't seen you around a lot?" He said it like it was a question.

"Hey Blaise, want to join us?" I gestured towards the few empty seats left. I saw that my friends weren't precisely happy about my offer. He noticed too. He shook his head.

"No, I just want to ask you something." He started. "Heard you have been invited too. To the Christmas party from Slughorn?"

"Oh, yes I have been. If he remembers in the morning." I laughed. "You too?" I was on my guard.

"Well, I was wondering if you would like to be my date to the party?" He asked confidently. Oh, so it's going this way.

"Uh, yea sure." I said. What harm would I do? Draco didn't care anyways.

"Nice, will see you around Victoria." He squeezed my shoulder before walking out.

"Bye." I said in a small voice.

"Guys really waiting in lines for you, huh." Fred commented. I snorted. "Shame I was not invited." He added with a smile. I got back at the common room, completely hammered from the butterbeer. Everybody was just hanging around the fireplace, bored.

"Vic, guess what?" Anna stormed at me the moment I came through the portrait hole. "Shit, you look dashed." She examined my face and laughed. "What are they feeding you there."

"Very funny. What is it?" I took place at the big sofa, I needed to sit for a sec.

"I have been invited to the Christmas party from Slughorn." She sounded so enthusiasm. " I saw you got a letter too."

"I am very impressed that he still remembered." I laughed out loud while closing my eyes. I heard Blaise his voice in a distance, getting closer. "Hey Blaise?" I shouted over the whole room, it echoed in every corner.

"Damn, are you even alive." He approached me, Draco behind him.

"Nearly, but guess what." I said in a flirty tone. Maybe I didn't want Draco after all.

"enlighten me." He came closer and sat himself right next to me. A little too close, but I saw Draco trying his best to keep his shit tighter. I liked when he was jealous.

"Anna is coming too, so you will have to share me." I said it as innocent possible. Anna laughed at my attempt of being a flirt. I could feel Draco's presence right behind me, even though I didn't see him.

"Such a shame, but am sure she doesn't mind if I steal you for a bit." He whispered it in my ears. A huge smile formed onto my lips when I saw Draco walking away. When he was out of sight I got up and went to my room.

"We will see about that." I shouted at Blaise.

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