Chapter 13: Familiar ink

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It's been over 4 weeks since the Weasleys left for their father. Ginny and Ron, the youngest, had just returned a day ago. Fred and George stayed with their family at home. I had written Fred and even George about 5 times by now. Without a response back. I woke up from another restless night. In a reflex I reached under my pillow for the map they gave me. I never had the chance to give it back. It was all so rushed. I sighted in relieve when I felt the parchment under my pillow. It was the only thing I had left of them, of Fred. He said he didn't know when or if he came back. Those words had haunted me since. "Good morning miss Blackburn, how are you feeling this morning?" The nurse stood beside my bed in the dormitories. Since Fred left, I had a hard time dealing with school and just reality in general. The school send me a nurse to check on me every damn morning.

"Good, thank you." I answered without any emotion in my voice. I cried and screamed them all out the past month.

"The weather is rather lovely today, I suggest you enjoy it." She looked at me with warm eyes. I looked outside, the light coming in looked warmer than usual. On my bedside table, the flowers Fred had given me about 2 months ago were still standing there. Once they were blooming and dancing in the sunlight, now they were hanging down, depressed. I sighed.

"Yes, maybe I will. Thanks for checking in, I will be all right." I tried to smile as generous as I could. " I think I don't need your help anymore. Can you pass that to Dumbledore, please?" I asked politely.

"Good to hear that! I will." She said and left, visibly happy about not having to come back. I got dressed and gave myself one more look before heading to breakfast. I looked tired and unhealthy, I had lost about 5 kg past 4 weeks. I didn't care. At breakfast I seated myself next to Derek. He was extremely busy since he was a Slytherin perfect.

"Good morning." I sat myself down and grabbed a croissant.

"Hi, don't want to be rude but I have to leave." He gave me an apologetic look. "I am so sorry." He said while he got up and gave me a pat on my head.

"No problem at all." I preferred to eat in silence anyways.

"Look who decided to show up." A familiar voice said. I looked beside me and the boy shuffled a few seats towards me. He stared at me, his body too close to mine.

"What do you mean Malfoy?" I said unbothered, looking straight in front of me.

"Just haven't seen you around lately." He frowned.

"I have been here every day." I dropped my knife, a dead silence resulting from it.

"Could be, it's not like I keep up." He gave me an egocentric smile. I hated that smile so much. I picked up the knife and started eating again, trying to ignore him. I wish. Crabble and Goyle came to company us. Just what I needed.

"Still heartbroken over that Weasley boy, huh?" They faced at each other and laughed. I looked up at them, angry and confused. How could they be so heartless?

"Not be rude or anything." Malfoy added, a bit in defence after seeing my expressions.

"I am quite good, thanks."

"Pansy said that a nurse comes to check on you every morning?" Crabble and Goyle looked at me with an amused look.

"Amused? Let's just see who is laughing in the end." I grabbed my wand and pointed it straight to their throat's. They swallowed loudly with a chocked look on their faces, not even trying to grab their own.

"Take that as a yes." Malfoy said undisturbed. He got up and walked back toward the chair he came from. His flock of sheep followed him right after.

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