Chapter 65: rightfull owner

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In a flinch, we were back at Hogwarts. Standing at the vanishing cabinet in the room of requirements, I knew that they weren't coming in through here this time. They would just walk onto the property. Or they already did. Bursting out of the room, stones and spells were flying around in the castle. walls, windows, furniture exploited into bits. Big gapes in the outside walls, letting everything and everyone inside. I took a look into the great hall, seeing familiar faces rushing towards it. Without thinking, the snake on my arm led me towards them. A woman with knitted curly hair pointed her wand upwards and shouted a bunch of spells, hitting the roof, the walls, the house flags, everything. revolting into an harsh gust of wind, knocking me almost of my feet. Before my eyes, everything I had known was being destroyed, just for fun. Before the dust could settle, another spell was thrown into the air, exploding like fireworks, killing everything in its path. Draco took my hand and dragged me outside. His face spoke terror, this had also been his home for years. I ran as hard as I could, trying to keep up with him. I hold tight onto my necklace, since that was the only thing left that reminded me of much easier times. I almost choked when I saw what was going on outside. Trolls, giant spiders, gargoyles, children, teachers, death eaters all fighting with each other. The sky was pitch black, even though it was just past noon. Stones and dead bodies were scattered over the ground where I had one of my most precious memories. I let out a sob. I saw a girl running towards the castle, chased by a big venomous spider. Her gaze met mine and her eyes lit up. It was Maza, a girl I had herbology with. I took a step forward, wanting to stretch out my hand and help her to safety, when the spider pierced her with its hairy sharp legs to her death. I screamed my lungs out, drifting the attention from the monster towards us. Draco forced his hand over my mouth and pulled me back out of sight. Who created that, no animal is that vicious on its own. I tried to control my breathing, sobbing and grieving is for later now we have to survive. I looked around the corner, the spider had disappeared, leaving the body of the girl in front of the gate, blood dripping out of her deadly wounds. With no hesitation, I walked towards her and took her wand. I closed her eyes and covered her with her jacket. Draco looked at me from behind with a horrified look.

"At least I have a wand now." I said blankly, shoving my emotions aside. He swallowed thickly. All kinds of spells came from behind us, separating me and Draco. Trying to block as most as I could, I saw Draco taking extra spells for me.

"I can't hold them!" He screamed. "We have to split up!" I saw the desperation in his eyes, the fear about splitting up and maybe not meeting each other again. "GO!" He urged.

"Stupify." I gave myself a little head start and ran as fast as I could into a corridor. Deep into the castle I made a few turns and ran outside till I reached the harbour. I let myself sink onto the ground and cried hard into my burned robes. A noise made me jump up again, wand ready. Through the window of the buiding I saw Harry, looking directly at me. Not sure what to expect, I waited. He lowered his wand and crawled towards me. He looked at me with his friendly green eyes, no anger left. "Harry." I sobbed, falling into his embrace. "I never..." I began to explain, but he quieted me.

"I know." He said. "Where is Draco?" Another set of tears started to prick in my eyes.

"Had to split up." I swallowed.

"He will be alright." He comforted me. "Sorry for your wand." He looked at the wand I was holding, clearly not happy with its new owner. I just shook my head. My attention snapped at the door of the harbour when a dark figure appeared. I dragged Harry onto the ground and crawled against the panels so we wouldn't been seen. It was snape. I pressed me ear towards the panel to make out the noises.

"You have been a loyal servant, Servus." I heard someone mumble. Harry looked over some wood and peeked inside. I heard someone crawl against the same panel as us from inside. I saw snape pressed against the ground, totally harmless.

"Please, you don't have to do this!" Snape pleaded for his life. Voldemort was hovering over him with the elder wand, which had belonged to Dumbledore and then to Snape, ready to kill him. Yet, he hesitated.

"I need the wand, Servus. Am sure you understand." The dark lord spoke, loud and clear. "Nagini." He nodded his hands towards his large brown pet snake.

"No!" Snape shrieked. The snake went right for his neck, ripping his throat out. Harry flinched and fell back. In a rush, he ran inside and fell onto his knees besides Snape.

"Harry, what are you doing?" I whispered loudly, looking around us nervously.

"Harry." Snape sighed out. He wasn't dead yet. Blood dripping out of his mouth and ears, it wouldn't be long now. Harry didn't say anything. "You have your mothers eyes." It was almost not understandable. "The wand." He lifted his weak arm. "Not mine. Take it." His words were one long sentence. Me and Harry didn't quite understand. "The tear." A single tear rolled down snapes cheek. Harry rushed inside his coat for something to catch it. Snape took its last breath, looking deep into Harry's eyes. Harry looked down and bursted out in tears. He closed his eyes and stood up.

"Probably some memory." He wiped his tears under his cracked glasses.

"Harry." I started.

"I am fine, Victoria. Am kind of used of it by now. Everyone around me dying. Mostly because of me." He rambled.

"Harry." I urged." The elder wand."

"Voldemort has it." He looked confused. "That is why he killed Snape."

"Draco disarmed Dumbledore before Snape killed him at the astronomy tower. The elder wand never belonged to Snape." Goosebumps settled itself again. "So it actually belonged to Draco for a while. But then you disarmed him. Which means..." I didn't finfish my sentence. Harry looked over his shoulder, at the dead man on the ground.

"He died for nothing." Harry swallowed.

"You have an advantage now." I drifted his attention back onto me. "Voldemort thinks he is the rightful owner."

"An even bigger target on my back."

"No one knows, besides us." He thought about if for a second. The high pitched voice from before penetrated through my brain again, yet this time I was not the only one hearing it. Harry fell onto the ground, also covering his ears.

"I will retreat if you come forward, Harry Potter. Come to the forbidden forest, alone, or I will kill everyone in this school." His voice split the air.

"Harry no!" He looked blanky before him. "He will kill you!" I shook his body.

"It's me or everyone else!" He screamed at me, knocking me on the ground. He pointed his wand at me and everything went black.

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