Chapter 48: incraved small smile

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I gave in. Setting the feeling free, letting it lead me the way. I was careful at first. Looking behind every corner before crossing it, making as little sound as possible. I was wandering the corridors for what felt like hours. Everything was so quiet. I didn't like it. The only sound coming from a distance. Maybe the room of requirements could help me. It was the closest to a lead I had. I had seen Draco come and go multiple times there.

on my way there my attention shifted towards the sound of multiple footsteps going towards the headmaster's office. I listened carefully, afraid that it were teacher, but more afraid that it were not. The sounds went up, but in a wrong direction. They weren't going to professor dumbledore. The astronomy tower. Relieved, I tippy-toed towards the bottom of the stairs. I knew the tower inside and out, I felt safe here. I was going up, placing my foot carefully on the small stone staircase. A sharp laughter cut through my ears, giving me the chills. What was I about to see? I knew a secret passage that would give me a shielded view over the top floor of the tower from below. I cramped myself into the tunnel and started walking, then running. Afraid of what I would meet on the other side if the passageway, I held my breath, my wand ready. The sounds of voices became louder and louder, I knew I was going to see Draco with them soon. I could distinguish 4 voices. Dumbledore, a woman and 2 other males. The woman's voice made my hear come up straight.

"Well well, what do we have here?" I heard her say. It sounded so close I was afraid she had caught me. No one was here with me. I was in the room right beneath the top of the tower, under the scene. Dumbledore was standing at the edge of the tower talking, without his wand.

"I don't want your help!" My heart stopped beating. In the most heart-breaking voice, I heard and now saw Draco shout it at our headmaster. His wand pointed at the old man. "Don't you understand? I have to do this." He seemed out of breath. He looked 10 years older from under here. His face wrinkled and tired in every spot, yet his hair and suit perfectly neat. The expression on his face made me tear up. let a few teardrops roll free over my face. "I have to kill you!" His breath hitched. If a soul was able to leave the body without dying, mine did it in this exact moment. I felt everything leave out of my body from the top of my head. My hands were cold and sweaty. He was going to kill Dumbledore. "Or he is going to kill me." He said while crying. His face was even paler then normal, sweat drops all over his skin. Kill or get killed.

"Good job Draco." The sharp voice from earlier. It was Bellatrix Lestrange, Draco's aunt and the cruel mother of my best friend. "Now do it." She looked excided. How did they even come in? The school has been sealed for Sirius Black for months. guess they got in as easy as the dementors did. Draco never took his stern eyes of Dumbledore. The old man had a look of pity written all over his face. Every second passing was a torture. I had to do something before he would make the biggest mistake of his life. Draco opened his mouth, holding his wand even tighter.

"DRACO, NO!" I screamed. Each one of them turning towards me. His face fell when he saw me underneath him. A man grabbed me by the arm and dragged me up, where Draco was still pointing his deadly wand at our headmaster.

"What do we have here." Bellatrix said, cutting my neck with her sharp nails. "My dearest friend from my beloved daughter." She bared her foolish teeth.

"Draco don't do it. Don't. Please. " I whispered.

"A shame I can't hurt you, girlie." She spoke in my ear, coming way too close. "Your parents will take care of that little attitude of you." She hissed. Draco looked at me in fear. I wasn't really sure what was written on my face, but it scared him.

"Go away." Snape joined the scene. Something in me hoped he would rescue us all, forgetting he was one of them too. Here I was standing, at the edge of a murder scene with a knife on my throat watching as the love of my life kills one of the greatest wizards in history. I looked down, seeing a pair of eyes burning right through mine. Harry. His eyes begged me to stay silent. I looked up again, as if I hadn't seen anything. I was praying in myself, hoping for Harry Potter to safe the day. Snape jerked Draco away and took his place. He had more confidence. I wanted to think that he wasn't going to it, but deep down I knew what was following next.

"Harry Potter, the boy who lived." The man caught Harry. He jerked him up by his collar and threw him into our vision. His eyes landed on mine first. He seemed unhealthy as well. Draco Gestured to his aunt to lower the knife resting on my throat, cutting a little deeper every time I swallowed. She only showed her foolish rotten teeth in a hideous smile. He couldn't take his eyes off me. Rage, sadness, shame rushing towards the surface. The air up here became denser.

"Servus, Please." Dumbledore pleated for his life.

"Avada Kedavra." A green light strode out of Snapes wand and hit Dumbledore right in his chest. The look on his face went through skin and bone, falling backwards over the edge. I managed to free myself. I ran towards the border. It seemed like he was looking right at me, with a small smile upon his lips, yet he was rushing towards the ground after being murdered by his own friend.  

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