Chapter 33: Blue tule

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Home wasn't that great. After a full year of drama, romance and magic, Belgium didn't have a lot to offer me. I was bored lots of times, taking my wand out of the closely sealed box under my bed, just to daydream about it. We weren't allowed to use magic outside of school. My parents were working 24/7 6 days a week. On Sundays they were exhausted. They tried talking to me about school, but they wouldn't understand anyways. "Victoria, you got mail." My mom shouted at me from the bottom of the stairs. I laid in bed. I was laying here since the beginning of summer. I rushed downstairs to the kitchen. A snow white owl was sitting on the table with a letter in his beak. I thought it was funny how used my parents became of the owl casually sitting in our house. Disappointment overcame me when I saw there was only one letter.

Dear Vic,

The weather here is shit. Rain, clouds... But I got a Nimbus 2000 for my good grades! Can't wait to try it out. Yes you are right about Seamus, he is a douchebag, wouldn't have worked out anyways.. Soooo How is your summer going? Some handsome European boy in the picture? ;) In less than 2 weeks we will see each other again, I can't wait honestly! My family is throwing this ridiculous feast that I really don't want to attend :(

PS. Has he wrote back yet? He is acting up all summer and won't talk about it.

Love, Anna

I smiled while reading her letter. We have been exchanging letters for the whole summer. In a week school would start again. Her letter was a week behind. I don't blame the bird, Hardwick - Brussel is one hell of a fly. I snorted at the sentence, "Some handsome European boy in the picture?" The only European boy I was obsessing over was the one that wasn't answering my letters. I wrote him about 3 times now. In the first one I asked how his summer was going. In the second I stated that I wanted to set things straight with him and make up. In the third however, I just wrote about my summer, knowing that he probably wasn't even reading them. Anna wrote in her letter that he was "acting up". I couldn't help myself but feel a bit worried about it. Even though I was so angry at him for using me at school and now not even answering my letters. The true definition of a fuckboy. Maybe he got a girlfriend and that that was the reason he was acting different. Anyways, I couldn't care less.

"Why are you always smiling at those letters?" My mom quirked an eyebrow up and looked sideways at me while folding some laundry. It was Sunday, so she had time for that. "Who are they from?"

"My friend Anna from school. Anna, as in a girl." She smiled at me. Days passed in a rush, probably because they were all the same. I was getting tired and sick of this life. I wanted to go back to Hogwarts so badly, I even dreamed about it. It wasn't long now. Only a couple of days, I had already started packing. I got downstairs to fetch some extra candy for on the train. I knew it was still too soon for that, but I would probably eat all of it before I could even leave this house.

"Oh Victoria?" Papa shouted from within his office. "We are going to a ball tomorrow and you will join us." What? I stormed to his office?

"A ball? Papa, school is about to start in 3 days!" I screamed back.

"I know honey, don't you worry. You will be in time." He didn't even look up.

"Why do I even need to come with you?" I was pissed, even though a break from my normal routine would be good for my mental and physical health.

"Because you are old enough now. It is some kind of a celebration party. A family member of a very good friend of mine just joined the club your mom and I are in." He was signing a bunch of papers while saying so. "It is a formal party." He looked up and smiled. I never asked questions about the club my parents were in. It had something to do with jewellery and stuff, not my thing.

"I don't know anyone there and have nothing to wear." I looked back at my Papa, dull.

"Black and white dress code, we already picked out something, I mean you mother did. And I think you will know some." He was focussing back on the papers. Not caring about how I felt with all of this.

"Fine." I said harshly and stormed towards my room. I hated it here.

"Get in we are about to leave, hurry." My mom shouted outside the door. I was completely dressed in a white long dress that hugged my body in all the right places. It had a long veil to the ground with glitter on it. It looked like snow.

"Coming." I looked in the mirror one more time. My hair was perfectly curled and was wearing a red lipstick that contrasted amazing with the rest of my outfit. I looked decent.

"Victoria dear God, go back upstairs and put some damn jewellery on!" My mom shouted harshly when I came down the stairs.

"I don't have anything silver." I snapped back.

"I don't care, go get something decent! The daughter of a jewellery and not wearing any." I heard her whisper to herself. Ugh, she was so bossy. Why did it even matter if I wore damn jewellery or not? I was digging into my jewellery box, searching for anything silver or diamond. I sat at the ground in destress thinking harsh for a solution.

"Draco's necklace." It popped inside my head. I rushed towards the box under my bed and took out the black velvet box I had stored away very carefully. "No one would now it is his anyways." Deciding this was my only option, I took the necklace out of the box and rushed outside while trying to put it on. On my way there, an overwhelming feeling of sleepiness overcame me. Within minutes I fell asleep like a baby, just to be woken up soon after by the motor of the car being stopped. We had already arrived, such a shame. I opened my eyes and stretched myself. My eyes widened when I kind of recognized the place.

"Were are we?" I asked them, anxiety pumping through my body.

"England." My mom said casually.

"WHAT? HOW?" This didn't make any sense.

"You were asleep for a long time honey, plus England isn't even that far." Papa answered me in a neutral tone.

"Where in England?" I asked him suspiciously. They didn't answer me, they just dragged me into the big mansion that was peeking through the woods. It was a tall long building with stone columns on the front. Inside, it looked like a museum. Knights armour standing in each corner of the big entrance hall. It was cold in here, colder than outside.

"Here they are." Someone came and greeted us. The woman seemed very familiar, a bit too familiar but I couldn't place from were. My parents and her seemed to be very close, even though they lived so far apart. She leaded us through the big room to an even bigger room. To my pleasure, the temperature in there was a lot higher. I was surprised to see how many members this club had. Probably around two hundred people had already arrived and were laughing and eating. I studied the room very carefully. The ceiling was very high, a diamond chandelier hanging in the middle of it. The ceiling was painted in all kinds of masterpieces. The room was decorated with light blue tule and white bows, I got major winter vibes from this.

"You look stunning , Victoria." The woman approached me and took my hand. Her hands were so cold I flinched at first. She only smiled. I looked into her icy blue eyes before looking away.

"Victoria?" I heard a familiar voice say behind me in disbelieve. I turned around to meet with the eyes I wanted to see for months.


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