Chapter 7: Cold mass

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Our lab class together was a disaster. The genius who paired us, made a huge mistake. We got into this fight over an ingredient and messed up everything. We both stormed off after class, in opposite directions with steam coming out of our ears. From this day on, poisons would be a weekly torture. Apart from poisons class, we still had detention together. Every day after diner, we were expected by Flinch. He would give us a job that needed to be finished within 2 hours. Sometimes it was an impossible task. "Move your ass, we only got 30 minutes left!" I shouted to Malfoy. I was so annoyed.

"I already did my work, snake." He hissed back. He sat down with his feet in the air.

"Call me a snake one more time and it will be your last." I stood inches away from him. Looking down. He was not intimidated. I wiped with my dusty brush through is hair, knowing that this would make him angry.

"God I hate you." He slapped my hand away and grabbed my wrist in a tight grip.

"Oh no, I touched your hair." I laughed. He took the brush and threw it as hard as he could away. He looked at me with his typical norse look and raised his eyebrows aggressively. I leaned in and whispered in his ear, teeth clenched together: "If you touch me one more time, you won't have a hand to do so anymore." He immediately backed off. Loosening the grip on my wrist. He left me with a bruise. I left without saying a word, it was our last day of detention anyways. "I HATE HIM!" I shouted, while closing the door of our dormitories. "LOOK, the git left me with a bruise!" I showed my arm to my friends.

"What the hell are you doing in detention, Victoria. Looks rather kinky." Fred gave me a wink. I threw my bag at him. "What the hell are you doing in the Slytherin girls dormitories?" I only realized now. Anna laughed at my frustrated look.

"I was waiting for you, to be honest." He looked at me very confident. I looked to the girls, they all had a smile on their faces.

"How did you even get in?" I asked in a suspicious tone. I walked towards my bed and threw my books on the desk beside it.

"Anna was so kind to escort me in. No worries I didn't hear the password." He gave me a memorizing smile. It was hard to not smile back.

"Isn't that illegal or something? A Gryffindor and a boy in the Slytherin girls room?" We all started to laugh.

"Well, if you walk with me, I will be out of here." He shot back, still confident.

"Let me get my coat." I turned my back to him, facing my closet and eyed Anna with a lot of questions firing with my eyes. Hoping she would see them and answer them in a way. I didn't knew Fred that well. She just nodded to the door where he was standing and gave me a huge smile. They all knew. Fred escorted me outside the castle to the lake. It was a cold, but a sunny evening. The sun was about to set.


"So." He replied in the same tone as me with a smile on his face.

"You really did go out of your way to talk to me." I said in a nonchalant tone, bumping his shoulder.

"Yes I sure did." He blessed my eyes with his wide grimace. He poked his right elbow in my waist and shot up his eyebrows when I looked at him. He gestured me to hook my arm in his. I did that without hesitation.

"The sky is so beautiful this evening." I said while looking above me. We had reached the lake by now.

"She sure is." He said while looking at me.

"She?" I asked with a smile.

"I mean, it." He said jokingly and looked away with a smile. We sat ourselves down on a blanket at the edge of the lake. It was a pretty evening. We talked and talked what felt like hours. After the sun had set for a while, I started to shiver.

"Oh, are you cold?" He asked with concern on his face. It was almost dark outside.

"Yes." I admitted with a little laugh. Without hesitation he pulled off his jacket and placed it over my shoulders.

"Thanks, that is a lot better." I gave him my most beautiful smile. I leaned against him for extra warmth.

"I am happy that I got to spend some time with you. I wanted to ask for a while now." he looked down at his hands in his lap.

"I am happy too." I shot back. I was truly enjoying this. Last week I had been feeling very lonely. This cured everything.

"Fred?" We heard in a distance. It was His twin brother George. "Come here you lovebird, We got a howler from mom. Ron is about to open it." He shouted across the lawn. "Hey Victoria!" He waved at me. I waved back.

"Looks like duty calls." Fred looked at me. I grabbed his jacket and gave it back.

"My name is George, not duty." I heard in a distance. I giggled.

"Aren't you coming with me inside?" He asked with one eyebrow raised. He offered me his hand.

"No, I am going to stay here for a couple more minutes is you don't mind." He lowered his arm.

"As long as you are safe. See you around Vic." He gave me a smile and turned to his brother. I looked at him as he was running towards the castle. "What an unexpected turn to my week." I said out loud, to myself. It was getting late and very cold. More lights in the castle were extinguishing every minute. It was probably already past curfew. I stood up and grabbed my stuff. I was unstable on my legs and had to sit back down. I looked behind me to find a source of light, without luck. It was pitch black at this hour. I knew I was close to the lake, but I couldn't see how close. I reached for my wand, realizing I had left it with my stuff in the dormitories. I stood back up, shivering over my whole body. I bowed through my knees to grab my stuff from the ground, when it happened. I lost my balance trying not to fall and leaned forwards. I fell right into the lake, head first. My anxiety shot up. Pitch black, ice cold water. I knew how to swim, yet by know I even forgot how to breathe. I went under while gasping for air, filling my lungs with ice cold water. Not daring to open my eyes in the black lake, I was screaming internally. The cold had reached my muscles and they refused to obey my orders any further. Sinking deeper and deeper into the black mass, my consciousness was giving up. 

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