Chapter 49: How it all went down

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"NO!" Harry screamed, ripping the veil of silence hanging over us. I looked at him. My face stained with tears. A man grabbed me by my shoulders and apparated me out of there. My body was cramped into a small tube. I woke up in the place I wanted to be the least, Malfoy mansion. I had no emotions left. It seemed as Draco's went away as well. Is this how they all became cols hearted? Trauma. I was forced to take place at the big long table. In the corner of the room laid a corpse half eaten by Nagini, the pet snake of the dark lord. I just squinted my eyes shut, focussing on something else. She was a professor at Hogwarts too. Draco took place beside me, holding my hand under the table. I was afraid of this before, now I felt nothing. I just let him take my hand, holding each other under the table like a statue. I will never forget the moment I saw the dark lord for the first time. Every image or illusion didn't even come close to the real sight of him. He was white, looking like a corpse, with no strand of hair on his body. His bare head was filled with crawling veins, colouring his scalp blue. His face missed a nose, on the place just two holes. His eyes were red, with no white around. While he spoke and praised us for our great deeds, his pointy rotten teeth showed, filling the air with the scent of death. In that moment I was jealous of my professor lying dead in the corner. At least she was at peace. People are afraid of death, not realising living to see the dead all over and over again is far worse than the faith itself. I was locked away for days. Trying to rewire my brain into becoming a soulless monster like them. It did work though, not making me a monster, but making me soulless. It has been 12 days since I had seen daylight. Every shred of humanity left in me hold onto a thin piece of thread, secretly hoping it would break. I was released at day 14. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like him. Paler than ever, my hear fallen out in some places, eyes red as blood. Good work. My mom came into the room like nothing had happened. I hadn't seen her in almost a year. She knew what happened, she knew what they did to me.

"Hi darling, summer vacation has already started." She went with her hands through my matted hair, I let her. "What would you like to do?" It almost seemed like she was excited about the idea of summer. Summer was the last thing I wanted right now.

"Were is Anna?" I managed to speak up. I hadn't spoken in 2 weeks, not even to myself.

"I can fetch her if you like?" She eyed me in the mirror, I looked down at my lower body. My ribs almost ripping my skin apart, revealing the organs underneath it. I had become a walking corpse, just like our lord. He had visited me once in my dark room. Just "to talk". He had cut me in the cheek with his foolish long nails, leaving a bloody scar. Later, the wound had infected and I hadn't been able to sleep for a couple of nights because of the pain.

"Victoria." A small soft voice said behind me. I looked up in the mirror. Anna was eying me, not believing the sight she saw. "What the hell did they do to you?"

"I was punished for trying to save dumbledore." It had been days since I thought about it. I was getting pretty good at filtering bad memories out.

"Were is Draco?" She asked me. I hadn't thought about him either. "Come with me please." She pulled at my arm, my body shaking. "Come stay with me this summer, you are not safe here." I was looking in her eyes, But I didn't recognize it. She looked at something behind me that I couldn't see. I turned my head and was met with the sight of Draco in worse shape than me. So he had underwent the same faith. For the first time in weeks I felt something. My eyes stinged and my heart started to pump again. I cried and threw my fragile body into his. Us colliding made everything rush back. He didn't even feel and smell the same. We were transformed into other people. After everything, he was the one person that could make me feel anything. I remember nothing of the way towards Anna's house. She was 18, she had bought a house the moment she was legally allowed. We were alone. Draco had made an excuse to stay with us for a while, because we are all "friends". He was running away from his life, like we all were. Most of the days we didn't speak. We just did our regular things that made us forgot the past couple of months. Summer rushed over. We had already gotten our invites for next year at Hogwarts. No one wanted to go back. Snape had become headmaster and the school was infiltrated with the same Death eaters we shared the dining table with. Not going back was dangerous. Going to school was their insurance of us being controlled by the dark lord and not falling out of place. We had to go or pay with our lives. Life had become gray and dark the last year. I didn't though it was possible to become even more morbid. The only thing that kept us sane was the thought that this was our last year ever. "Just get through this one year." Anna used to say.

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