Chapter 51: infinity

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I woke up in a cold sweat, my heart at double its normal speed. My hair was wet and my hand cold. "Fuck." I shouted. I felt paralysed. This was the worst nightmare yet. I didn't dare to open my eyes or move a single muscle. My heavy breath echoed through the empty room. After a couple of minutes I dared to open one eye. It was till dark outside. I sat up and looked outside the window to find the moon just over its highest place. I had only been asleep for an hour or so. I was too afraid to go back to bed, terrified to see his face again. Two knocks were placed on my closed door. My heart started racing again. Am I reliving the same nightmare over and over again? "Are you all right?" A sleepy voice said while the door swung open.

"Stay away from me!" I cramped my body in the corner of the room, covering my eyes, scared to give in the temptation of looking at it.

"It's all right, Victoria. You are safe here." It approached me. I covered my ears too. It took my hand, in a reflex I opened my eyes. It was Draco carrying a candle, worry written all over his face. "It was just a dream." He comforted me. He took place besides me on the cold stone floor. We were the only ones staying here on Christmas break. The dormitories were empty, except for us.

"Draco?" I sighed out of relieve. "I had this terrible nightmare about..." He broke me off mid-sentence.

"It's all right. It's over now." He whispered. I leaned my head against his shoulders. "I heard you screaming." He said.

"I did not scream, Draco." Anxious all of the sudden. "Someone else is here. You have go and look! Am afraid." I shivering out of fear.

"Relax, am here. It's not the first time I've heard you scream." He confessed. I was confused. If I was screaming in my sleep, I would know it.

"What?" I asked him, still a little shook.

"In our summer house. It woke us up regularly." He admitted with a small smile. He laid his arm around my shoulders. I did not notice how cold I was. The warm feeling of his body heat made me sleepy again. "You should sleep again." He said.

"Sorry. I didn't know." I buried my face in his pj's.

"What were you dreaming about? Seemed heavy." My favourite smile appeared on his face. It made me laugh.

"You don't want to know." I smiled. The light of the candle went out and the room became pitch black. After everything, the dark did comfort me as much as it scared me. Draco jumped up and lit another one.

"Can I maybe stay?" He asked me, his face lit by candle light.

"Why?" I asked him suspiciously, even though I didn't want anything more than that.

"Think we both need it." He gave me his smile again. I just smiled back. Damn I was so in love with him. Over the summer the feeling was a little supressed, but it is surfacing again.

"Sure thing." I said while I smiled at him. He grabbed my hand and leaded me towards the already cold bed. "In Anna's closet lays a spare pillow and some covers." I pointed towards her wardrobe. He didn't say anything, just looked at me. "Or where are you going to sleep?" Oblivious to his plan.

"Here, with you." He said casually. "It's not like we haven't done that before." He said when he saw my frozen face.

"Oh yeah, almost forgot." I teased him. Warmth filling me up.

"How could you forget the greatest nights of your life?" He said jokingly. I sighed out of amusement.

"Maybe they weren't as great for me as they were for u." I laughed. I liked this.

"Bet they were." He crawled besides me under the blanket and threw his arms around me. He pulled me closer.

"What do you think you are doing?" I asked, a little irritated.

"What? Am trying to sleep." He said too serious.

"Did you know you can sleep without you touching me." I said sternly. He pulled backwards to look at me.

"No." Was his only answer. "I like it more like this." He tightened the grip around my body and closed his eyes.

"But I don't." I tried to free myself. He sighed deeply.

"Don't make a fool out of yourself, love." He said, but he freed me from his captivating arms.

"Am not tired anymore." I whispered after a silence.

"Well, I am. Goodnight."

"What is your favourite colour?" I asked him. A growl escaped his mouth.

"You really want to do this now?" He asked me irritated.


"Green." He said after another silence. I snorted.

"Your obsession with your house is getting pathetic, Malfoy." I turned myself onto my back.

"It's the colour of your eyes, you asshole." He answered loudly.

"What?" His answer threw me off guard.

"You have green eyes, did you know that?" He said sarcastically. I could practically hear his eyes roll.

"Don't be ridiculous, I did now that in fact." Silence. "But why would you say that?"

"Because I mean it. You have pretty eyes."

"So pretty that is became you favourite colour?" I asked.

"No, because I like you so much that it just became my favourite thing to look at." He said in a soft tone. I faced him again.

"Are you playing with me?"

"After everything, you still think that I am playing with you?" In his voice was a hint of hurt. Yes I did know that he kind of liked me for a while. The feelings were always mutual. Yet, I was convinced that I liked him more than he liked me. Maybe I was wrong. I had never craved something more as wanting to kiss him right now. I shoved myself closer to him, looking at his soft skin while approaching. His eyes shot up and locked with mine. For a moment I forgot how to breath. My eyes diverted from his eyes towards his lips. I planted my lips softy onto his. In a response he grabbed my face and pressed his hard onto mine. The feeling overflowing my body made me never want to get separated from him again. The soft candle light was reflecting on our faces, giving us the glow we were feeling inside. My heart never felt more at home than in this moment. I knew this was right. In that moment, we were infinite.

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