Chapter 28: fight of honour

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"Easy boys!" I heard yelling behind me. I peeked over my shoulder, trying to see something in the gushing rain. Draco and, who I presume, Fred were rolling over the wet grass, punching each other in the face.

"What are you doing?" I ran across the pitch, past the crowd surrounding them. My question wasn't directly pointed at anyone. In fact, I didn't know who I asked. The Slytherin team tried to pluck now Malfoy off of the redhead. "Enough of this!" I shrieked, my voice echoing through the arena. Fred was the first one to look up.

"Vic, are you all right?" Fred stood up and cupped my head with his hands. I jerked away, surprised by the pain.

"Don't pretend now, git!" Malfoy screamed. "Don't interfere with it." I heard another Slytherin team player say to Draco, he ignored it.

"Watch your mouth!" Fred stepped forward, between me and the blonde boy. Blood was gushing out of his nose.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I pushed Fred aside and stormed towards Draco, my fist already balled.

"Ask your boyfriend, the one who hit you with that bludger." He sneered at me. His hands were covered in blood.

"What?" Just a whisper. For a moment, the icy blue eyes captivated me, urging me to believe. "Did you hit me?" I turned around. I saw red before my eyes. The bull was surfacing again.

"It was an accident, I swear." He tried to explain. He lifted his hands in the air as a gesture of surrender.

"Don't make me fucking laugh Weasley." Draco picked up his broom, ready to walk off with a face that could silence anyone. "I saw him make that movement, Blackburn, But believe what you want."

"I didn't know what overcame me, I swear." Fred reached my arm, digging his nails into my skin. I jerked away, shock written on my face. I looked down, his hand tattooed into my skin, red. I smacked his face as hard as I could. His blood splashed away with force.

"How dare you?" I started. "I will never betrayal my house again for a foolish boy like you." I spat at him. The whole arena was quiet. I backed off and started to run toward the exit. Malfoy was right in front of me.

"Wait." I yelled.

"What?" He said fiercely.

"Did he really do it on purpose?"

"Why do you think I have his blood all over me?" He stopped in his tracks to look me dead in the eye. "Guess he wanted to get your attention." He started to walk again.

"You attacked because of me?" I asked him softly. "Why?"

"I would have done it for anyone, Blackburn, Don't suit yourself." He spat back. I let him walk away, increasing the distance between us with every step he took. But then he stopped. He turned himself around to face me. "Are you all right? Need to go to the hospital wing?" His eyes scanned my head.

"I will be fine." I said dryly, passing him and walking the complete wrong direction. Only moments later, Anna shouted my name behind me. "Are you all right? I heard."

"Nice, so it's already spreading..." I was sitting in a private corridor were no one really came. "How did you find me?"

"Draco told me." She approached me andseated herself onto the stone bench. A strong feeling was gushing inside me.Tears welling up that I could not supress any longer. I cried.

"I think you are not supposed to party with a cracked skull." Anna stood in the doorframe, looking into my dorm, smiling.

"Yes, I don't want to be here sitting alone, feeling sorry for myself." I tucked on my skirt. I was wearing a long silk lavender skirt with a corset in the same colour. My hair was low in a ponytail, secured with a black ribbon.

"Can't believe the professors actually allow this, with the dementors and all." Anna painted her cheeks red.

"Even they are bored to death." I laughed.

"You seem to be doing fine, I mean mentally?" She turned around and tilted her head to look at me.

"I don't know what to think, really. So I don't want to think at all, let's go." I stood up and pulled her with me, towards the door. I opened the door, but was blocked by a tall figure, waiting at the entrance. I looked up. The boy standing before me was soaking wet, terror written on his face.

"Victoria." He said calmy, but clearly desperate.

"Go away, Fred." I pushed him aside. "How did you even get in?"

"I don't know what overcame me, you have to believe me." The mood in the room became heavy. "I swear to god." He begged me, his eyes lost. The knot in my stomach tightened again. Doubt and guild flooded me from within, I should have never went in the first place.

"Bye Fred." I was still holding Anna's hand and dragged her after me when I passed him.

"Took a risk coming here after tonight, mate." Anna stopped right in front of him, ignoring me. "Don't ever forget who you are messing with." She warned him and came with me afterwards. Fred only agreed while looking at the floor. "Go take a shower, Malfoy's blood is still on your hands." I looked at his hands in an instant. One of them was covered in red. Though it was probably his own, he just nodded and let us exit. The professors made a big exception for this party, probably because it will be the last one of this school year. All of the corridors were lit like it was day time. I was wondering if Draco was coming too. Probably not, he doesn't like to attend feast with less superior houses than his own. 

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