Chapter 27: Maybe

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It was already summer by now. Finals were around the corner and I hadn't done a thing during semester. A week has passed since I slept with Fred for the first, and let me state, the last time. Anna had convinced me to give him a proper chance and to talk to him. I still hadn't done that... "Have you talked to Fred yet?" Anna asked at the lunch table. Can she read my mind?

"No, I don't know how to even start." I sighed and took a bite out of my big sandwich.

"Seems like he is coming now, good luck." I looked up and saw Fred coming our way with a big smile on his face. Anna stood up and walked towards the other side of the Slytherin table, were Malfoy was sitting.

"Hey love, can I join?" He was in a good mood today, just like every day. The boy never seemed to lose his energetic state.

"Yes, of course." I gestured with my hand that he could take a seat.

"So, you probably already heard about the Hufflepuff party tonight?" He started. I had. I nodded at him. "Do you want to go with me?" Okay Anna was right, he is sweet and thoughtfully. "And with my mates?" my face immediately dropped.

"Your mates are coming with us?" I tried to act like I wasn't disappointed for the one hundred time.

"Of course they are, remember the good time we had at the Halloween masked ball?" He raised his eyebrows at me, not understanding how I was feeling at all. I looked over my shoulder at Anna. She was clearly following our conversation with a hearing spell. She made a face towards me and nodded. I knew what she meant.

"Well, ugh. There is something I would like to talk about." I stumbled over my own words. Nervosity held my throat in a tight grip.

"Go ahead."

"Well , uhm." I was trying to find words. "Are we dating?" I spat it out. I only realised now how stupid they sounded. Fred's reaction surprised me. He furrowed his brows before he spoke.

"Yes we are. Wasn't that clear?" He said in a harsh voice. He seemed offended.

"You never properly asked." Irritation got the best of me. My cheeks were glowing again. I hated the way my body reacted.

"Oh." It hit him. "I didn't realise you wanted for me to make an official proposal, am sorry Love. It just isn't my style." He said with a smile on his face, everything negative washed away. "This afternoon I have a quidditch match against the Slytherins, want to come and support for me?" His face lit up. He reached for my hand under the table, pursuing me.

"Supporting for the enemy? I am sure this will be seen as treason." I said sarcastically. The truth was, I never really liked quidditch. I never understood the hype about it.

"That is your duty now of being my girlfriend." It shocked me the way I cringed at his words. Girlfriend.

"Fine I will be there." I squeezed his hand. He stood up, content about our conversation and gave me a single wink before turning his back to

"Why the hell didn't you talk to him?" Anna stood beside me in less than a second. She sounded angry.

"I did talk to him, haven't you heard."

"What I saw was that you clearly flinched at girlfriend." My stomach felt heavy. "You have to be honest with yourself. Do you even want to give him a chance?" She was right.

"Fred isn't a good match for you." A male voice interrupted. It was Derek. He was a Slytherin perfect. Always involved in management stuff. It was rare to see him at the table.

"Derek!" I shouted. I was so happy to see him. I swung my arms around him and pulled him in a tight embrace.

"Hello." He smiled in my hair. "Since when are you dating him?" He asked me. A fierce look on his face. He had missed much.

"Since last week. But things are not as good as I wished they were." I admitted. I was careful with my words. Afraid anyone would hear.

"You want my opinion?" I nodded. "I don't think he is a great match for you." He filled his plate with food. "Never thought so."

"And why is that?" His answer surprised me. He had always listened to me when I was nagging about him, without any complaint.

"Because you just are not. I think the promiseof love made you only see the things you wanted to see. And now the realversion of him stands before you." He took a bite of his ginger bread.

It was raining tons this afternoon. The quidditch match was about to start in 5 minutes and the arena didn't have roof. I knew Fred was waiting for me. I grabbed my raincoat, pulled on some rubber boots and made my way through the thick cloud of rain. I couldn't see far through the pouring rain. Only the slippery ground underneath me was clear. I looked up from under my raincoat, I could see flaming hair in a small distance. I had almost reached the pit. With my gaze forwards, I stepped into a deep puddle of water. "Saints." I scoffed. The puddle was so deep that the water had found a way inside my boot. I hopped my way towards the arena, my boot sobbing every time it touched the wet ground.

"Here you are." Fred grabbed my arm and dragged me to the other side of the arena were Ron and Hermione were standing. "Go sit with them." He nodded at them and then looked at me. He was expecting for me to sit at the Gryffindor side?

"Am sorry, I can't do that. I still am a Slytherin." I said softly, afraid of his reaction.

"Don't mind that just go. Wish me luck." He kissed my cheeks and flew off. Here I was standing, supporting for another house and standing between my opposites. Ron and Hermione looked awkwardly at me. I leaned against a stern looking beam and pulled of the boot. Water poured out of it, my foot soaking wet.

"Want to come?" Hermione asked with a friendly smile.

"I will be right behind you." I returned a smile. I followed them toward the top of the arena. It was crowded. It looked like the whole school was present. I took a place on a wet wooden bench, finally able to breath. The pit was almost invisible from the rain, but her and there I could make out a broom that was zooming past us.

"That's him." Ron pointed out for me.

"Thanks." I shrugged. My whole body was shivering and my foot was freezing off. I really regretted every agreeing on this. My eyes squinted when I saw Harry and Draco flying past us. Their flying style almost seemed aggressive, both turning their brooms in harsh angles and cutting the air with speed. "Didn't know Malfoy was a seeker." I said to Ron, who was standing right beside me.

"Are you lost, snake?" A voice said behind me. It was the Gryffindor version of Draco Malfoy.

"Shove it, Bertel." Ron said with a disgusted face.

"No really, what the hell are you doing here?" He kept on nagging. I turned myself around to face him. He was a tall very skinny boy with ashy brown hair.

"Victoria, look out!" Hermione shouted behind me. A hard object hit my head from behind. A loud crack filled the silence that followed. The impact of the object made me fall over, pushing a bunch of already angry Gryffindors onto the ground with me.

"what the hell was that?" I asked. I felt something warm spread over my scalp. My hand went up and carefully touched the pounding spot. Blood.

"That's what you get when a filthy Slytherin invades our property." Bertel said in my ear. I shoved him off.

"Are you all right?" I heard Hermione behind me. "You were hit by a bludger, I don't understand. They normally don't hit spectators." She wondered, probably already having a theory.

"Fuck this." I got up and went immediately for the exit. I was about to leave and never fucking come back. "Am fine Hermione thank you for being so friendly, but I think it's better for me to go now." Without looking back I left the arena.

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