Chapter 47: a scream to obbey

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I woke up alone. No Draco, no note, no nothing. It was only 6:30, breakfast wasn't even served till 8. It wasn't my intention to sleep here, guess it just happened. If I was able to sneak back into my dorm before everyone woke up, no one would ever know I had spent the night here. I Could even sleep for another hour if I wanted too. No, I thought in myself. I have to take advantage of the fact that am already up. I slipped back into my own dorm and got dressed without waking anyone up. I decided to go for a walk in the early summer morning fog. The fog was thick, I didn't allow me to see past the tree, a couple meters before the lake. ah that tree, that lake... it seemed like ages ago that I was sitting at the root of my tree with a book, having more attention for the sky than for the pages in front of me. I missed it. So much had changed since then. I wish I could just go back to being the normal non magical girl who's only worry was the guy she was crushing on, just for one day. I approached the tree. I sat myself at the root on the bench. My initials were still carved into the wood, the edges smooth out. The wood was damp, but I didn't care. I curled myself up in a ball and watched the sunrise from up close. My stomach growled, taking my attention. I had been sitting here for a while, breakfast was probably already served. I stumbled inside, my clothes damp on some spots. It was still early, only the quidditch team and a couple of early birds were present. I sat myself down on my regular spot, secretly happy that the seats beside me were still empty. Hogwarts could be so noisy, I understood the slight number of students who got up early just to eat in peace.

"You are early, thought you went missing or so." Anna pulled the seat beside me from under the table.

"I had a steady night for once. So I was rested this morning." I nodded towards her while filling my plate for the second time.

"Sure it had nothing to do with you sneaking out this night?" She gave me a wink. I almost chocked on my tea.

"Sorry?" I managed to bring out.

"I am a light sleeper."

"I just went to the bathroom." Why was I lying? Shame?

"Sure." She smiled.

"Well." I finished what was left on my plate and wiped my mouth. "It was a delight to talk to you this morning, but I have business elsewhere now." I stood up.


"Charms class." It was a lie. I had dropped that course months ago.

"See you later alligator." With a huge smile I walked away, dropping it the moment I was out of sight. What was worrying me, was the fact that Draco wasn't present at the table again. Class was about to start and I was one of the first to arrive.

"As you speak of the devil." I said. Draco appeared from around the corner.

"Thinking about me already?" He gave me my favourite smile.

"Where have you been?" I asked casually, but dying to know. He sighed deeply.

"I need a favour." He looked at the ground, his hands balling in tight fists.

"What do you need?" I asked suspiciously.

"Do you trust me?" This made me nervous.


"Stay inside tonight, please." His eyes looked right through me. "After diner." He added.

"Why?" I had a feeling.

"You will have to trust me on this one." He said coldly. I frowned. "Victoria promise me!" His voice became sterner with every word he spoke.

"Give me a reason." I was too stubborn to just do what he asked of me.

"I can't tell you, please. Trust me."

"You are the one not trusting me, Draco." I shot at him. His eyes narrowed.

"I beg you." He said softly. There was something in his eyes that scared the hell out of me. Like he had given up, like the fire of life inside him had extinguished. I felt the colour drain from my face.

"Okay." I said. His face lighted up. "But," A frown formed itself on his forehead. "Be safe please. Don't do anything you don't want too." My voice was about to break, a thick clutch of unspoken words stuck inside my throat. The veins in his eyes were thick and red, about to burst.

"Thank you." Was the only thing he said before he disappeared again. The empty tingling sensation when he left was overwhelming. I had buried myself in all kids of trouble. Trouble I was never meant to be a part of in the first place. Now he is the once trying to keep me out of it, both of us knowing too damn well this was never going to work unless we broke ties with each other. I did this to myself. Things weren't right. Everything was too normal, like a casual ordinary day at school. There was definitely something coming up, yet no one seemed to notice the little shift in the air today. My heart raced as a maniac for the whole day, not being able to concentrate or keep food down. I was afraid, for the first time really. I was afraid because everything was the same and because for once, I had something to lose. Draco, probably in the middle off all of this. It was 8 PM, everyone was returning to their dorms and closing their books. It was the best time of the day. Done with schoolwork and just having fun with our friends.

"What's the deal with you today? Where is Draco?" Pansy made me snap back out of my Mindspace. Why did everyone keep asking the wrong kind of questions?

"Draco won't be here tonight, Pansy. Don't even bother to look for him." I shot at her. I didn't really know if he would be back or not, but something in me said he wouldn't.

"Another fight? Really? You guys are toxic together." She scrunched her little bitchy nose. In an aggressive motion I pulled her back and made her look me in the eye.

"We are not together!" I had trouble breathing. Her eyes narrowed and she pulled away without saying anything. I was on edge, one wrong word and I would avada kedavra someone. That something in my stomach became a howl that screamed for me to obey. Every muscle trying to fight the urge to find out what was so important for me to stay inside.

"I can't. Stand. It. Any. Longer." My teeth were clenched together and every possible muscle in my face cramped.

"Get yourself some help, freak." Someone said behind me. I was standing in the common room, totally overwhelmed by every noise and motion besides me.

"Fuck it."

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