Chapter 19: ghost castle

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We rushed towards the great hall. From every corner of the castle came students running, panicking and yelling. We sat ourselves down and waited for things to settle. Anna came in right after us. "What is going on?" She was out of breath and sounded anxious.

"Following Ernie, it would be something to do with dementors." I said to her, my voice too loud. A couple of heads turned our direction, anxiety spread over their faces. I looked at my right, I saw Malfoy, uninterested in the whole situation, teasing a first year student. This boy has sunken so low.

"Dear students." Dumbledore started, but everybody was still yelling around. "SILENCE!" The old man shouted. It went quiet in an instant. "I know you're very confused at this very moment, let me explain what is happening right now." He paused. "Sirius black has been spotted on the grounds of Hogwarts, even with the dementors guarding the castle." A whisper broke down on the Slytherin table. "The dementors are true hunters, they will not rest till they have found Black. Needless to say, Hogwarts is no longer a safe place to stay." Everybody was looking at each other. I saw Fred reaching for that girls hand. I looked away. "The castle will only be safe in daylight-hours. After sunset and before sunrise, the whole castle, with the dormitories as an exception, will be forbidden area. All activities outside the grounds will be suspended." A loud groan came from the Gryffindor table.

"There goes quidditch!" Oliver Wood slammed his fists on the table.

"You are strictly forbidden to come outside the common room after nightfall, breaking this rule will be at your own risk of life." He accentuated his last words. "Never the less, you will be suspended immediately."

"So, it is safe during the day?" A boy shouted from the Hufflepuff table. Everybody looked at the headmaster.

"No, it is not." The students went nuts. "I must warn you." He paused for a long second. "Do not provoke them in any way. It is not in the nature of a dementor to be forgiving. You will all sleep under the supervision of a teacher of perfect." A couple of people sighed. I overheard a conversation at the Slytherin table, just a couple seats away from me.

"Sirious is probably not dangerous at all, just blew of a finger from his so called friend." A boy snigged.

"Yea, after all those years in Azkaban, he is in no such shape of harming someone." A girl replied. Anna snapped her head their direction and opened her mouth.

"Sorry to interrupt, but before spreading lies ,please look them up and educate yourself." She snapped.

"Excuse me?" The girl with dirty blonde hair scoffed.

"Just saying. Sirious killed a whole street of muggles and killed his friend, who's finger only remained. Not his finger blown off, no, his finger was the only thing that remained." She rambled. The group of students turned their back towards us. Anna smiled.

"Such a strange man, we are all at risk and he just let the classes continue?" Derek said with disgust in his voice. "He must know that no one will respect those rules." He shook his head while saying so.

"I think they will, when one is greeted with a dementors kiss." Seamus joined our conversation. "And trust me, it will happen." He added while looking at something in the distance.

"What if I said that it has already happened?" they all looked up immediately.

"Who and when? Never heard of it." Anna asked me, looking at Derek in suspicion.

"Me, at the Hogwarts express." I looked at my hands in my lap before continuing. "I was sitting with Harry Potter in a carriage and the dementor found us and basically sucked all of the happiness out of me." It was quiet around me.

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