Chapter 2: 9 and Quarter

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I was on the Eurostar to London with my parents. We will arrive in less than 5 minutes after a ride of almost 3 hours. My mom is reading The Sun, a tabloid from England. She seems rather intrigued by the articles. My papa on the other hand gives me occasionally a worried smile and I see him eyeing me from time to time. I know they won't miss me, even though they will never admit it. "We are arriving at St Pancras Station London, we wish you a good day." My hands went cold and sweaty. My grip on my suitcase loosened by the overproduction of sweat in my hands. Kings Cross station is a street away from St Pancras Station. The moment we decided that I was going to give Hogwarts a try, a letter flew out of our old, and never used, fireplace. The letter included a ticket and a brief description of what was waiting for me. I will be met with the Jacobite express on platform 9 and quarters and it will take me right to this school. I found it weird, seeing the ticket for the first time.

"9 and quarters." Maybe the train system in England wasdifferent than home. 

After making our way out of the packed Eurostar, we made it to kings-cross station just across the street

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After making our way out of the packed Eurostar, we made it to kings-cross station just across the street. To my surprise, It wasn't crowded at all. I had expected the worst first day ever, walking over students and other kind of things. But the station was almost empty. I decided for myself not to think about it too hard and just go with it. "Alright, we are here." I was standing on a platform that looks nothing special, with no students or a train.

"This can't be it?" my mom said. I am looking around to search for some students or someone who can guide us to the rightful place. It didn't made sense at all. There was no platform 9 quarters, just 9 and 10. I sighed deeply. Did we get scammed? I looked over my shoulders to give my parents a worried look when something completely impossible reached my attention. A red haired boy with a large trunk stepped before my eyes right through a wall. His family acted like this was the most normal thing ever and joined him right after. I stood there, paralysed to the ground but also filled with wonder. I blinked a couple of times to make sure I was not dreaming.

"Did you see that?" I turned towards my mother. She nodded, looking paler than before. When I studied the wall from up closer, it kind of made sense. 9 and quarters. The wall between platform 9 and 10. My eyes sparkled by the realisation that my magical adventure had already begun. I took a deep breath, scrambling all my courage to just give it a try. Let's hope there is no spell or ritual I need to do beforehand. I took a step and stormed right at the wall.

"What the hell are you doing?" My mom grabbed my arm before I could meet with the stones.

"You need to walk through. I saw it."

"Are you nuts? You are going to break your nose!" My papa shouted. I pulled myself from her grip and walked right through. Not realising I had already walked through, I sprinted right into another student, both of us falling on the ground.

"I am so sorry! This is my first time doing this." I apologized immediately. Here I am, laying on the floor with a blonde boy. I looked around me. This incredible view took my attention away from the situation. I let my eyes linger on the big red steam train in front of me. "Wow."

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