Chapter 24: Butterflies

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I was laying on my bed, fidging with the piece of paper Fred had given me the night before. It didn't take me long to unravle what was written on it.

It's a cover

Holding it before a mirror and a simple spell did the trick. At least Fred tried to explain. I sighed. Things had escalated. Enormously. Anna and I weren't on speaking terms, Draco could go to hell and Fred... well. I closed my eyes, going over everything that was said again and again.

A threatening silence fell over me. Carefully, I turned my body. I didn't need to see his face to know who this voice belonged too. His body was nonchalantly leaning against the oak doorframe, holding a green apple in one hand. The silence was ear deafening. Shame made place for disgust.

"You are in love with your cousin?" I turned back towards Anna.

"Oh saints, hell no!" Her face spat of disgust. "It was a cover."

"A cover for what?" I asked, stiffly. Draco and Anna exchanged a look.

"Victoria, meet Anna Lestrange." Draco said after a short silence. Lestrange? I stepped right in front of her, breaking her eye contact with Malfoy.

"How could you?" I slapped her hard in the face. "I trusted you!" Tears blurred my vision. Her hand shot up to her cheek, looking at me with tears in her eyes.

"It is not wat it looks like!" She cried out.

"You are the daughter of that wicked witch?"

"See why no one could know?" She spat at me. "I am nothing like her." She wiped her eyes. "I had to use a fake name." She looked at her shoes. I regretted my punch immediately.

"So you are involved in all it?" I gritted my teeth.

"No, our friendship began way before your involvement!" She defended herself.

"And when was that, my involvement?" I turned myself towards Malfoy. "And why did Fred changed me for Tara as a victim?"

"Tara is in on all of it." Anna said behind me. "Fred told her to make you jealous, that's all."


"She isn't in any danger! They don't have an interest in her."


"Because I threatened him to do so!" Anna shrieked. "I really tried to keep you out of this, I really did! But you were too stubborn to fucking trust me!"

"Trust you?" I started. "You have only lied to me!"

"With a name like that, I had no future!" She snapped.

I turned myself to the blonde boy. "Wish you let me drown." I spat in his face on my way out. He grabbed my arm.

"Were do you think you are going, missy?" He said in my ear. I shoved him off me.

"I though by pretending that I was in love with that disgusted piece of shit, you would stay away from him. You know, girl code and all. Seems like that didn't stop you." Anna accused.

"Oh, so you really did tell?" Draco sneered. Anna's eyes flew towards me.

"About what, dear cousin?" Anna looked me deadly in the eyes.

"About how we made out." Draco said without hesitation. "Twice." He continued. My heart dropped.

"Twice?" Anna looked at me, shook written all over her. "Girl, you are getting yourself into stuff, you don't want to be into." She warned me.

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