Chapter 35: Jumping energy

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"What are you doing here, don't be rude." My mom found me at the bench outside the room. She grabbed my arm and jerked me inside again.

"Don't have to use force, woman. Let go of me." I pulled myself out of her grip. Every bit of little love I felt towards them was gone. They never were good parents to me.

"Excuse me?" She widened her eyes.

"Apology accepted." I said sarcastically before running away to god knows where. I saw my parents joining mister Malfoy and another woman. Probably his wife? Now I know why she looked so familiar... Draco had her eyes. Time was passing by like a snail. Everything was so slow and boring. I kept myself occupied for hours by eating, staring and drinking. The one good thing about death eaters? They let me drink alcohol, they just didn't care. Anna joined me shortly after, both of us too bored to even try and come up with something to do. I looked at the dancefloor, filled with innocent looking people who were actually wizards and witches on the wrong side of society. My eyes stopped when I saw Draco, dancing with that girl. The knife of jealousy stabbed me right gain. "Ugh." He was smiling, widely, at her. He never did that with me. I want to get out of here. Anna was too bored to even notice my change in mood. All of the sudden everybody stood up and formed two lines in the middle of the room. They were about to dace. Women and men lined up, facing each other and bowing deeply.

"Come, I would like you to dance too." My mom said besides me. I jumped inside my seat at her voice.

"No, I will not dance." I said stubborn. The Malfoys joined our conversation right after, dragging Draco behind them.

"Victoria, sweety. We would love it if you opened this dance for us with our son, Draco." Misses Malfoy said to me in a warm welcoming tone. Her husband pushed his son forwards. We both had worried, unpleasant expressions on our faces. He doesn't want to do this anymore than I did. "It is tradition, please?" She made it sound like a question, even though I knew it was not. Basically everyone was waiting for us to open the dance.

"I heard you are a great match together." Mister Malfoy said. Were the hell did he hear that. He needed to check his sources apparently. My mom gave me a warning look. with a loud sigh I got up and took Draco's hand, leading me towards the dancefloor. I could feel how stiff and uncomfortable he was right now. This is pure torture.

"Which dance." We were standing in front of each other and were already bowing.

"Waltz." He whispered. I only nodded, trying to look away from him. The music started and we overcame the space between us. I placed my hand carefully onto his shoulder. His grip however was a bit less gentle. The warmth of his touch was burning through my clothes. Our hands were cramped into each other when we took our first step. We flew around the room, in circles, both of us not missing a single piece of footwork. I looked at the side. I saw my parents and his watching us in admiration. What were they up to. Why not let Draco dance with the girl he really wanted to dance with. They are probably trying to set us up. I don't know if I liked that or not. Without effort he lifted me into the air and placed me to the ground, exactly where I needed to be. Our bodies moved perfectly compatible and synchronic on the music till it stopped. We were again at the same place where we had started. We both took a step back. Only now I felt the energy jumping in between us, begging for more. Like we were two magnets, wanting to reunite and never separate again.

"They want us to continue." He came closer again and placed his hands back on my waist. This dance was less formal and more fun. Other people were joining too. Withing seconds the dancefloor was crammed with people.

"Why didn't you ask that girl you were dancing with earlier? This is torture." I spat at him, looking away from his face. He laughed silently at that.

"That was my aunt, that is not appropriate. And I didn't have a say into this." He answered. Great. "They want us to pair, you know. They think it would be great for the family." He said with a big smile on his lips. I pushed myself off him, but he kept me right in place, his grip tighter than before.

"That is just ridiculous." my teeth were clenched together. The heat of the moment overtook me, getting very hot and sweaty.

"Is it?" His grasp became more gentle and he came a little closer. "Everyone can see that we care for each other, Victoria." His voice was so soft. With one hand he touched my jawline. My heart was pumping so aggressively that I was afraid he would feel it.

"Yet we are jerks and always fighting." I augmented him. He brushed with the top of his fingers gently over my skin.

"You look stunning today." His eyes were focussing on his fingers making figures on my skin. The energy at that exact moment was to die for. Torn between two sides. Temptation and self-worth. He focussed back on my face, leaning in.

"What game are you playing?" I pushed him away before our lips could touch. "Did they tell you to seduce me?" My voice was hard.

"They didn't tell me shit, they just have eyes." He grabbed me at my waist and pressed me onto him. "Am I seducing you?" He asked jokingly. Or so I thought. I tried pushing him off again. "The dance is not over yet, you brat. Patience."

"Are you fucking kidding me? Why do we keep doing this to ourselves, we clearly can't stand each other." He lowered his arms and let me escape this time.

"Very true." We just stood there, looking at one another, deciding what to do next. The molecules around us pushing us closer and closer, without us realizing until we almost touched.

"This isn't fair." I whispered and ran off as fast as I could. I ran outside the room right into another. I had no idea where I was or were I was going. A couple of things I did know.

1. My parents are death eaters.

2. I never wanted to be one.

3. I was extremely and uncontrollably in love with Draco Malfoy.

"Fuck". I screamed on top of my lungs. 

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