Chapter 54: They know

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The next week felt like it came straight out of a fairy tale. Us being alone for days and days, no one to disturb us. We went for walks, dinner, we even slept together. It would be difficult to go back to normal once Christmas break was over.

"We have a couple more days, love." Draco whispered in my ear while brushing a lose strand of hair back behind my ear.

"I wish this wouldn't have to end." I whispered back.

"It doesn't have too." He said. I looked up. On his face formed a huge smile from ear to ear. I laughed.

"I don't think Anna would appreciate that." I said while I rolled my eyes. "And Pansy." I laughed hard. "Poor Pansy."

"Yea, well. That is her problem, not ours."

"Sometimes I forget that you are actually a jerk." I tilted my head while looking at him.

"I just don't like people." He answered. There were moments I really did forgot how mean he could be.

"With me you are a whole different person."

"Don't forget that you are one of the biggest bitch in Slytherin. There is a reason why you are with me." He gave me a wink.

"Am not a bitch." I snapped back.

"Yes you are." He laughed out loud. "Will never forget our first year." I snorted.

"You think Anna is going to react well?" I asked him, nervous.

"About us?" He asked me confused.

"Yea..." I was hesitant.

"She probably already knows, Anna is not the one we should be worried about." The steadiness in his voice extinguished.

"You mean our parents? I thought that this is what they wanted?" Now I was confused. I squeezed my hand waiting for his response.

"That was before the incident at the burrow..." It was almost a whisper.

"Oh." Was my only reply.

"I think it's going to be hard... since you are not...part of the community." He chose his words carefully. "Let's not worry about it yet. I am pretty sure they already know and for so far we didn't get in trouble." He reassured me.


"Yes, they know." A sudden voice joined our conversation. My heart nearly jumped outside its cage. Draco grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly. His body all tensed up. "It's me, relax." Out of the dark shadows, Anna came through.

"Anna." I got up from my bed and rushed towards her. Swinging my arms around her tightly. "Hey."

"Hey, vic." She said back. "Hey cousin." She nodded towards Draco. She looked around and her facial expressions shifted. "Oh no, you didn't do nasty shit in here, did you?" She looked at us, frightened. I saw Draco laugh at her words.

"NO!" I screamed. "Ew."

"What do you mean, ew?" He mocked me. He looked almost offended.

"But there is something we want to tell you." My heart got in my throat.

"You are together, I get it. Was about damn time." She said nonchalantly and scanned through the room.

"How did you know?" I asked her.

"They know." She turned back towards us. "Somebody snitched." She gave us an apologetic look.


"How did my dad react?" Draco asked her.

"Am not sure. I fled the house as soon as I heard." There was a silence. "I think you don't have to worry about it." Her words came as a relief. Draco was my rock in all of this mess. "You have been sleeping here, haven't you?" Anna turned towards him, holding up a men's shirt on the tip of her wand.

"Yes I have been." He got up and snatched his shirt away.

"Not anymore now. I will get nightmares otherwise."

"Guess I will have to take Victoria with me to my dorm then." Draco snapped back.

"Anna." I started. She turned towards me. "Do they know anything about Harry?" I looked over at Draco. "Or the Weasleys?" I knew he didn't like that I was asking.

"No, I know nothing." She looked at me. Even though they aren't friends, I can see that she was worried too. They haven't been to school this year. There are rumours that they got caught. Other rumours tells us that they found a way to destroy the dark lord. I really hope it's the last one. "It's getting late, guys. I had a bad couple of weeks and would like to sleep if you don't mind." She made it sound as a question, both of us knowing it was not.

"Yea, sure. I am going to bed too." I smiled at her and looked over at Draco. I slept ten times better when he was at my side.

"You can sleep with him in his dorm if you would like to." She said while grabbing her pyjama's.

"That's good enough for me." Draco stood up and walked towards the door. "Come love." He whispered in my ear when he approached me.

"Are you sure. Be honest. If you want me too, I will stay." I looked at my friend who seemed to be getting thinner and thinner with the weeks.

"No you won't." Draco protested.

"Draco..." I said. He just rolled with his eyes and left the room without saying another word.

"How do you stand him?" She commented while crawling in her bed when he was out of our sight.

"I don't know." I laughed.

"You can go. I want to be alone so it's a win-win." She closed her eyes and positioned herself.

"Is everything okay? You seem different."

"Yea, I will manage." She replied. What an odd answer.

"Talk to me, please. Am worried." The last sentence was barely a whisper. I had seen this with Draco too. And it didn't end well. She opened her eyes again and sighed.

"They want me too."

"Voldemort?" I asked her gently. Not her too. My stomach turned by the thought of it.

"Yes and the community and my stupid mother. I said no." She looked up at me while saying so. "But it's keeping me awake ever since. I find it strange that they just let this pass." She admitted. She was right, it was strange.

"You are afraid that they will force you into it?"

"Yea... But Victoria." She paused for a sec." That's not all." She positioned herself again. "They are going to ask you too." She lowered her head while saying so. It felt like the world was spinning before my eyes, my sight getting darker and darker with every second that passed. "Vic?"

"Guess it was waiting for me." I managed to bring out. "I will just say no too. Like you did." I said more to myself than to her.

"Yes. It will be all right." She answered, not sure of her own comment. "Now go to sleep." She gave me a small smile.

"Goodnight." I walked outside and closed the door of our dorm.

There I was, standing in the hallways in the middle of the night, falling apart. I let myself sink onto the floor, leaning my head against the brown oak door. This can't be happening. 

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