Chapter 36: little bird

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I sat at the floor. My thought drifting at every place at once. I was in a big room. It looked like an office, but one that was never used. I had privacy here. I decided that it was okay to let my guard down for now and cry it all out. This day was a disaster. I sat there, kneeling at the floor crying my eyes out at full volume, all alone.

"Victoria?" I small voice whispered in the doorframe.

"How the fuck did you find me?" I tried to control myself back again.

"This is my house, silly. You couldn't be anywhere else." He kneeled beside me.

"Why are you here?" I spat back, wanting to be left alone for one moment.

"The real question is why are you here?" He brushed my hair away with his hand.

"I just needed some privacy, can't get that anywhere this days." I made a joke, trying to lift the mood in the room. "Were is Anna?" I asked him softly, still not wanting to look at him. He made himself comfortable besides me.

"Outside, I said that I wanted to come in alone." He wrapped an arm around me and pulled me into a warm hug.

"Why?" I wiped away my tears, happy that my mascara was waterproof.

"Because I care for you, little bird." He said. I sighed loudly.

"You can't do that to me." I whispered, no energy left to fight back.

"If you don't feel the same, just say so and I will leave you alone." He sounded confident that I wasn't going to say that.

"I want you to leave me alone." I turned myself towards him and stared back into his big icy blue eyes. His smile on his lips grew wider. He just knew I was bullshitting. He took my face carefully in his hands, afraid to break it. For a good minute he was examining every part of it while I was just drowning into his beautiful ocean eyes.

"Don't think so." He said after a silence and leaned in. Our lips touched very softly. Nothing like the past few times. This time it was different. It was not temptation or lust or boredom. This was pure passion, gentleness, like we craved for each other since the very moment we were apart. From my point of view, that was very true. We got up without breaking our kiss. My arms wrapped around his neck, pulling me as close towards him as possible. I don't want to waste any more time. I have been lying to myself and everyone around me for too long. This is exactly what I wanted, and apparently he wanted this too. He leaded me towards the big empty desk so gently that his touch was almost not feelable, yet my skin felt like it was on fire. I laid myself on its surface, him overshadowing me completely. It was the first time in weeks I had felt good, felt something at all. I wanted him to consume me completely, not caring for the aftermath. I was living in the sweet present and was not afraid anymore of the future.

"I can't believe I witnessed this." We both jumped on our feet, totally out of breath, heads turned towards the doorframe. Anna stood there clinched onto the door. Her eyes looked like they were about to fall out.

"Get out!" Draco demanded her in a serious but soft tone. She got out without saying another word. She would definitely bring this up once she saw me. I squirted my eyes shut out of embarrassment. Draco laughed loudly. "What the hell." His laughter echoed through the whole room. I couldn't supress a smile any longer.

"This is going to haunt me forever." I said jokingly after he was done laughing. He turned himself towards me and took my hand into his.

"I have no regrets." He said while looking at our hands tangled. From the fine lines forming right beside his eyes, I could make out that he was smiling.

"After two times I would say that no mistakes were made." I answered him. He lifted his head and looked at me. His blue eyes were almost completely black, his pupils completely dilated.

"What are you seeing." He asked my while holding eye contact.

"How your pupils are completely dilated." I laughed. "It is a sign that you like someone, you know that?" I took a step backwards, feeling a bit awkward that I just said that. He took a step forward and grabbed my face in a tight grip and brought it closer to his.

"Let me see yours." My favourite smile laid onto his lips. I could stare at them for hours. I closed my eyes just to tease him and also because I was afraid that my pupils were indeed dilated as well. "Fun killer." He freed me from his grip. We made our way towards the balcony at the top of the mansion. It was a late summer night in august. The stars were shining through the black veil of the night. I had always admired the stars, they reminded me of an ancient feeling I couldn't quite place.

"Know anything about astronomy?" I asked Draco, who was sitting beside me also looking up at the sky.

"It is my speciality actually." He smiled. "It is my guilty pleasure." He looked at me with a wide smile.

"Oh really." I asked him in a teasing tone. "Tell me something."

"You see that star right there?" He came very close to me, his cheek practically touching mine. He took my hand in his and pointed towards a group of stars. "The shiniest star right there, is actually the least impressive of its zodiac. He is just the closest to earth." He lowered our hands and turned his face towards mine. The point of his nose was making circles against my cheek.

"That is so poetic." I laughed softly. He was driving me crazy with his soft touch. I needed to control my breathing to keep myself sane. I jerked back after a moment.

"Did I do something wrong?" He stiffened under my grip.

"No, the opposite. You are driving me crazy." I had to look away from him. I hadn't realised how cold I was till the moment my thoughts were in a straight line again. I shivered.

"Are you cold?" He asked me, laying his hand on my arm to check. "Yeez, you are freezing."

"I am the ice queen." I laughed jokingly. He sat up straight and took of his black blazer. "Oh no, you don't have to..." But he silenced me straight away.

"Don't want to hear it. Here." He placed his blazer of my shoulders. The warmth of his body heat was still trapped inside the fabric. I couldn't get used to his familiar smell that I would recognize out of thousands. It was getting pathetic how obsessed I was with this man. Come on Victoria, thoughts straight.

"We should get back inside, they are probably wondering where we went." I said to him.

"Not if Anna filled them in already." He quirked an eyebrow up. He was teasing me.

"Oh shut it, I don't even want to think about it." I crammed my eyes together at that awkward encounter. He scoffed softly. We both stood up and he lead me the way towards the big room in silence.

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