Chapter 63: Hot sea

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The fire first hit us from behind. Running away like scared little rats, I had totally forgotten what we came here for in the first place. "Seize them!" Draco shouted out of breath. The room around me was pure terror. Furniture on fire, the plaster on the walls cracking up from the heat, almost murdered by my friends, running away from a giant fire snake what was about to burn us to ash in any second. Almost, tripping over my own feet, I looked behind me to see a sea of fire. If there was anything valuable in this room, it was most certainly destroyed. I could feel the heat coming closer and my legs getting slower. "Autch!" I heard Draco scream besides me. A piece of burning wood flew onto his gloves, setting a contagious fire.

"Pull it off!" I shrieked. I pushed him towards a pile of junk and ripped the burning cloth of his hands.

"You are not supposed to pull it off, you could have skinned me!" He snapped harsh. A weird facial expression overflowed his face, looking straight through me. My heart stopped beating, I looked behind me to see what he was seeing.

"Fucking RUN!" Blaise shouted from around the corner, followed by the fire demon. Bursting through the room, splintering everything in its path, it revealed itself again. It spat fire right in our direction, almost setting my robe on fire. We were completely cornered. Sweating and panicking, I looked over at Draco. His face spat terror and fear, something I had never seen on him before. His eyes met mine once again before a big blue spell hit the creature and made it retrieve back to where it came from. Standing up, I saw a redhead running away with Draco's wand. When had he disarmed him? Just minutes ago we were trying to kill them and now, he saved our lives.

"What the heck was that?" Grabble sighed out.

"The fun isn't over yet." I nodded towards the sea of fire that was still there and trying to eat everything in its path. In horror I looked around to search for a way out. There was none. Without our wands, we were good as dead. Panic spread over the faces of the boys when they realised. With a shriek I started climbing a pile of hot burning wood. "We have to climb!" I shouted.

"Are you mental?" Blaise yelled.

"That smoke will kills us before the fire does!" I placed my foot on a stern looking table and climbed higher. "Draco." I looked behind me, stretching my hand out towards him. Doubtingly he took it and started the climb. Carefully to where I set my foot, I burned my hands a couple of times trying to hold on for too long on a smoking piece of wood. My breath was out of control, I could basically feel the oxygen leaving the room. Draco had caught up with me and took another route to the top. Blaise had chosen another pile to climb and Grabble...

"Grabble?" Draco thought at the same time. Meters below us, the fire was burning aggressively on the spot we were just on. I stretched my neck out to look farther below. A couple of meters above the ground, Grabble was holding onto a loose piece of furniture with all of his bodyweight, hovering above the sea of flames.

"Help!" I heard in a far distance, overshadowed by the noise of the hot sea.

"Try to place your feet somewhere!" I screamed as loud as I could, almost losing my balance while looking down. Before my foot slipped, Draco swung his leg behind mine and prevented my fall. I looked underneath me again, seeing Grabble fighting for his life. "You have to grab something else!" But he didn't hear. Right in front of us, the wood gave its spirit and so did Grabble. He fell into the hot sea. "NO!" I screamed, not being able to hold back any tears.

"Victoria move!" Everything was a blur before me. I just saw someone die. I just saw someone die. I repeated it inside my head. Someone died before my eyes!

"Someone died before my eyes." I managed to make out.

"God damn it, MOVE!" Draco shouted at me and pushed. The table he was standing on tilted and he lost his balance, not having anything to hold onto. He grabbed something right beside him, which was already on fire. I had no time to react. The expression on his face send me to pieces. He clenched both his hands hard onto the flaming wood, his feet dangling only a few meters above the hot sea. In the corner of my eyes I saw a figure flying towards us. Within a blink, Harry flew past us and pulled Draco onto his broom, saving him from a terrible death. When Hermione followed, I got placed onto the broom behind her with a spell. The broom flew hard through the room, almost splitting the air. The door of the room flung open and without slowing down, the brooms aimed for the ground in the castle corridors. With a harsh noise we crashed onto the floor. I felt a sharp sting in my left arm. A huge burn wound revealed itself under my robes, pulling my skin every time I lifted my arm. Before I got up, Harry and the rest who saved our lives twice ran off, with the diadem. "Victoria, are you all right?" Draco came rushing towards me and threw himself besides me on the ground. I studied him, surprised at his concern. He looked fine besides the red skin on his hands. His hands! Panic rushed through me and made me come to my senses. I looked at his hands when he brought them up to cup my face. I looked up, seeing the familiar look into his eyes I had missed for months.

"Draco?" I whispered, on the edge of falling apart.


"You remember?"

"yes." He kissed me hard on the lips. A kiss so hungry It made my body tingle. When he pulled back, I wanted more. "I am not going anywhere." He said to my lips. "But we have to get out of here now!" The sudden urge in his voice brought me back to reality. In the corner of the hallway, I saw Blaise. Leaning against a wall, his head between his knees.

"Grabble." I whispered. I walked towards him when Draco pulled me back.

"We have to go." He urged.

"To where?" I asked without thinking. Of course I knew the answer. 

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