Chapter 25: unwelcome invite

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This chapter will be in Draco's POV

"Whatever Blaise, I really don't care." I slammed the door of our dormitory shut. I was sick of always having to explain myself. I need a private dorm. In a bad mood, I stumbled down the stairs. The noise of my feet hitting the steps made a few Slytherins turn their heads. I didn't care at all. In the centre of the room hung a big clock. I've always hated that clock. It was because it was too big and too noisy. If you looked that way, all you saw was fucking clock. I preferred the little pendulum ticking softly behind the little library. The soft looking wood opened every hour, revealing a little bird, tweeting.


Anger rose up inside me, blurring out my surroundings. She still hadn't returned. Victoria was still out. By Fred, I presumed. My nose wrinkled. It's already three hours after curfew. Or she was trying to get herself killed or she would spend the night with him. I could only presume of what they were doing. I shook my head. I don't want to think about it. I didn't care what they were doing, I lied to myself. The tight knot in my stomach loosened a bit. That's right, I don't care. But I was still angry. How dare she threaten me, that filthy mudblood. I should just snitch everything to my parents, let them take care of it.

"You look pathetic." A voice cut through my inner dialogue. I snapped myself around. Anna was standing at the end of the couch, eyeing me with her arms crossed. I didn't even hear her come in. "You are doing it again." She said uninterested. She seater herself on the black leather.

"Doing what?" I snapped.

"You know exactly what I mean, dear cousin." She grabbed a cup of hot honey tea. I sighed loudly, blowing out a part of anger that was still rising in me. "Stop obsessing dude, we really screwed up."

"I am not obsessing over her, you don't even know what am thinking about." I crashed my body onto the sofa opposite of Anna.

"See how I didn't even mention someone?" She laughed at me. "So you are not thinking about where Vic is and what she is doing ?" She tilted her head and furrowed her brows. She got me.

"Sometimes I forget how dreadful you are!" I looked away from her, trying to hide the heat on my face. I hated this feeling.

"You can't hide it from me." I just raised my eyebrows at that. "She is my best friend." She paused. "Was." She corrected. "And you are... well... my cousin."

"Cousin?" A bypassing Slytherin stumbled.

"Far, far, very far away... cousin. Am sure we don't even have the same ancestors." Anna stumbled over her words. I kept quiet. Not my problem if her secret would be discovered. She revealed mine after all. The girl looked weird and took off. The silence sounded like music to my ears. The sound of the spoon touching the cup softly was calming. I closed my eyes. "Do you think she will forgive me?"


"Don't say that!" She shrieked. The sound made me open my eyes and look at her, dull.

"You know what, being in my dorm is less of atorture than sitting here with you." I stood up and walked back towardsthe restless room I had just escaped.

"Good one Goyle." I laughed. My friend just pulled a harsh joke on a Gryffindor student. I didn't find it funny at all. To be exactly, it was bloody stupid. My morning had started off bad. Blaise and Grabble fought over who would shower first, waking everyone. Then my favourite cereal wasn't on the breakfast table. The world was plotting against me, at least it felt like it sometimes. I leaned back into my chair, overlooking the table. Even Slytherin was boring. I noticed the usual occupied seat at the other end, still empty. Pained, I dragged my eyes across the room to the table besides us. I sighed when she wasn't there.

"Draco." The most annoying voice called my name. I knew exactly who's. Pansy Parkinson, the girl who didn't let me breath without sniffing the air afterwards. I tried to ignore her, but she walked right in front of my vision to get my attention.

"Yes, what do you want?" I wished she would just let me be for one day.

"You have probably already heard about the Hufflepuff party?" Her voice sounded even higher then usual.

"No I haven't, but I have a feeling you will enlighten me right now." I sighed deeply.

"Well it is Tuesday night, in the room of requirements." I didn't hear her anymore. My eyes were glued to the big door that had just opened. Through the door, Victoria and Fred came in, holding hands. She looked happy, yet something seemed off. Maybe I was imagining it. Seeing what I wanted to see. The Gryffindor table cheered loudly, applauding and laughing when they came in. Some of them even bumped fists with Fred.

"What the hell?" It rolled over my tongue before realizing. I felt pure disgust.

"What?" Pansy looked over, following my eyes.

"Oh nothing, you were saying?" I diverted her attention back on me. SHE IS SITTING WITH HIM? Merlin's beard.

"- So what do you think?" Pansy blocked my vision.

"Uuuhh, sounds good." I just said, without thinking. Her mood shifted. She almost bounced off her seat.

"Cool, see you then." She gave me peck on my cheek and danced away.

"What did I just agree on?" I asked my neighbour.

"Going as a pair to the Hufflepuff party newt week. 18 o clock." I jumped when hearing Anna's voice. She gave me an apologetic smile. I sighed irritated. I had to find an excuse for that too? I threw my head in my neck and closed my eyes for a moment. I couldn't help but think that something was off about her. She didn't look... comfortable at all. I saw that git talking to everyone, but her. He was so energetic and almost violent with his words... so irritating. "What would he be talking about that makes her so uncomfortable?" So I wasn't imagining it.

"Really don't know and really don't care either." I spat. My eyes caught Victoria getting up.

"Just to the bathroom." I heard her shout towards that stupid foolish boy with a smile so fake it made me cringe. I followed her with my eyes to the door. That Fred boy had already turned around. She was escaping him.

"So you don't care huh?" Anna looked at me, got up and followed her right through the big door.

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