Chapter 31: Animagus

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I lead him to the corridor were nobody really came, privacy guaranteed. We both were awkwardly pulling on our clothes.

"How have you been?" Fred asked me.

"Did you do it on purpose?" I didn't wanted to make small talk.

"No, I swear! I didn't know what overcame me, it was like I was in trance. Like I lost control over my own body for a moment. I realised what I had done only moments later... not at the event itself. It was so weird. I am sorry I know how this looks." He rambled on.

"I believe you." I pressed between his words.

"What?" He asked in disbelieve.

"I have a theory. Care to hear it?" I started. "I think someone hexed you." I kept distance between us.

"Why would anyone, Oh. You think he is behind it?"

"I think it is possible that they are behind it yes." I corrected him.

"Why do you think that? Did anyone tip you of?"

"If you mean Draco, no." He stiffened at the mentioning of his name.

"What do you know of that douchebag anyway?" He said defensive.

"I now enough, we don't have to talk about it."

"You know? And you still hang out with him?" He spoke of him as if he was a disease.

"He has a name, Fred." I said defensive. "I mean, I can chose for myself." My own tone scared me. Why as I protecting Draco?

"I know, that doesn't mean you choose wisely." He urged me and came closer. I stepped backwards.

"Now your limits, Weasley." I warned him.

"You still have to open your gift. It is not ideal, but I wanted to give it to you anyways." He handed me the pink bag.

"Am sorry about how things escalated." I said truthfully.

"Yeah well, you are too much of a Slytherin anyways." He said and left me in the corridor. Inside the bag was a white silk box, sealed with a bow. I sighed deeply. Why was this all so damn difficult. I took another deep breath before loosening the bow. Inside the box was also a necklace, in gold. It was a little heart with one white gem sparkling at the side. I took a careful look before closing the box again. Very pretty but again, couldn't wear it. Maybe I would give the necklace's back. The whole day, I was occupied with studying. Finals were only a week away and I hadn't done shit. For the first in a really long time, I was feeling all right. I clenched onto the feeling, scared of it walking away again. I sat in the library, probably the most popular study place around. The place was flooded with students, arguing about answers and unoccupied seats. They had to place a teacher there for supervision, to keep the quietness and the piece. Hours had passed and the sun was already setting, diner was probably only an hour away. I decided to call it a day. As I walked into the common room, everybody had already left for diner. Or that is what I thought. I crashed myself onto one of the leather couched with a loud groan. I pulled my shoes off and let my feet rest on the little coffee table in front of it.

"Heavy day?" Draco commented, coming from the fireplace. My thoughts were so all over the place that I hadn't noticed that someone was still sitting at the fireplace. I lowered my feet to the ground.

"Study day, so yes." I answered with a sigh. "Happy birthday." I straightened myself and turned towards him. He looked at me.

"Mmhh." He smiled and looked down. "So Anna did tell you." He implied.

"Yes, why didn't you tell me we share a birthday?" I asked curiously, a small smile on my lips.

"Because it doesn't matter." He got up.

"Uhh, Thank you for the necklace. It is stunning." I thanked him awkwardly, my hand brushing through my hair.

"Thought it was quite the gift." He smiled with no humour intended. He looked at my neck and frowned when he saw nothing hanging on it. "Why aren't you wearing it?"

"Oh she will." Anna busted into the room."Come guys, diner time." She dragged each of us at one side of heroutside.

Days passed. Finals had already began and the days here at Hogwarts consisted out of waking up, eating, studying and sleeping. Within 2 weeks, I would be back on the Hogwarts express towards London, and then on the Eurostar to Brussels. I hadn't seen my parents in almost a year. I was nervous to go back. They never have been the welcoming warm family I always dreamed off. And of course, I would miss the magic and my friends here. I again sat in the library. Anna was sitting in front of me, focussing on types of potions and how to brew them. I on the other hand, was daydreaming again. "I am done for today... Victoria? Hello?" She waved in front of my eyes. I snapped out of my daydream.

"Uh yes, am sorry, not my day." I rubbed my temples.

"Is it all right if I already go? I am not in the mood to wait for you again..." She shot me back. The last couple of days, she has been occupying herself till I was ready to go too. She missed a lot of dates with her boyfriend Seamus because of that.

"Yea, no problem." I smiled at her. "Do Seamus my regards." She smiled widely at me, collected her books and took off. Okay now, focus.

Chapter 2

"The difference between a Lycanthrope and a Animagus is the fact an Animagus can transform at own will into an animal. On the other hand, a Lycanthrope transforms into a wolf only when the moon is at its fullest, totally out of control of own will."

I sighed when I read the first sentences. So much for focus. My eyes drifted off, wandering over the other students in the room. My eyes fell onto someone who was already looking at me. It took a minute for them to adapt and process who I was looking at. I looked back at my book. Why was Draco studying in the library? I never saw him here. He sat a couple of seats in front of me, on the other side of the isle with his front facing me. Now I wasn't able to focus at all. Was he there all this time? I didn't see him coming in so he must have... Anna probably just blocked my view. What am I thinking about, my book is far more important than when he came in. I tried focussing on my lecture again. I couldn't help myself but look up once or twice. I looked away as fast as I could when I saw he was already looking. My cheeks screamed redder than red. His went on for a couple of days.

I was excited to go to the library today. Not for the right reasons of course... I hated myself for the excitement that was dancing inside my belly. But my joy didn't last long. As walked into the library with full hopes on seeing him on his regular spot, I saw he wasn't there at all. Maybe he was wiser and understood how ridiculous this was. Or maybe it was all in my head and was sick of getting stalked by me. Nevertheless I threw my books on the desk in front of me with a frow too obvious to miss.

"Grumpy today?"

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