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Swimming like a fish, with speed and youth on its side, she grabbed Nicole and lifted her head above the water in the pool.

Then swam to the edge of the pool, placed her on the cemented ground and went after Mrs Ajayi. In a few minutes, she had both Nicole and her grandmother on dry ground. Swiftly, she began resuscitating Nicole and filling her lungs with air. Moments later, Nicole and Mrs Ajayi were safe and breathing fine.

And Kim looked at her timepiece.


She was too late.

And her one shot at saving her life has been lost.

“Don’t you know how much your life means to me?” Fr. Mark asked as Kim cried.

He continued, “do you know how well I planned this? Angel and I were expecting…”

“I’m sorry” Kim said. “I’m so sorry”.

They were seated in the visitation room of the prison.

“I had to save them” Kim said. “I couldn’t watch them die” she added.

And now, for her unwillingness to see others die, she would lose her own life.

Fr Mark covered his face with his hands.

Kim. His heart trembled. Remaining here would soon get her murdered. He closed his eyes. And all his soul wanted to do, was weep.

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