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The machine beeped.

Kim was in a bed. Her eyes opened. She felt like a lemon had wedged itself right in the middle of her throat, and her eyes were so dry the lids might as well have been closing over splintered glass.

Where am I? Where is this? Kim thought as she looked around. Drip. Machine.

She was in a hospital.

She tried to stand up but, Connor appeared at her bedside.

“Calm down” Connor said and pressed a button beside Kim’s head. Few seconds later, the doctor came in and checked Kim, then left.

“Where’re the others?” Kim said quietly.

“They’re all fine” Connor replied.

“All of them?”

He nodded. “Silvia and Barry were discharged earlier today. Jean, yesterday afternoon. And Arnold, yesterday night”.

“I’m the last to wake up” Kim said and waited, “What of Fr. Mark?”

“He’s dead” Connor said. “Died in the shootout”.

“When our team saw your car speeding uncontrollably towards the statue, we fired at the tyres, and Fr. Mark shot at us, we had to-” He paused “-retaliate”.

Kim closed her eyes. Despite everything, it hurt to still hear that. He became a father figure to her after Hugo passed away.

“He and Bridget were responsible for the thefts” Connor said. “He also admitted to killing Richard before he died” He said.

Kim nodded in tears.

Connor put his hand in his pocket and pulled out an envelope, “Jean left this for you”.

Kim took envelope and opened it. She took out the letter in it and started reading.

By the time you’ll be reading this, I hope that I’ll be a long way from this town.

I’m ashamed to face you.

You have been a good friend to me all these years but, a bad friend is all I’ve ever been. I always knew that Ethan and Arnold were responsible for your father’s death and paid the medical examiner to forge his autopsy results yet I kept quiet, despite knowing how hard your father’s death hit you.
Also, I was aware that they knew something about Richard’s death but kept quiet not because I wanted to protect Arnold but because I wanted to see you in misery. Stripped of your beauty, fame and wealth, and reduced to nothing.

The weeks you spent in prison, I was happy that your face was no longer there to compete with me. Indeed, I’m so ashamed, And I doubt if I could ever repay you for the times you stood by me as a friend when all seemed lost.

The best I can offer you is the tape recording in this envelope of Ethan and Arnold discussing how they arranged your father’s death,
This is my last and truest gift to you, I hope you accept it.
                                                                                                                        Lots of love,

“Ethan and the former M.E are being questioned about our father’s death but Arnold has already confessed” Connor said. “Jean said we’ll get the evidence we need from you” He added.

Kim’s tears poured out like never before. Her heart, twisting as if a mighty fist was trying to squeeze life out of it.

She looked at Connor, “I also have a confession” Kim said.

“I didn’t lose the pregnancy” She said.
“Our daughter, Angel Harrison died a few days ago”.

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