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“It’s been forty-eight hours. It’s time to declare her and Angel missing” Ethan Jacobs said.

Bridget nodded “I agree with you, dad” she said.

“I thought she was headed home after Jean and I saw her” Arnold said.

Ethan and his family, Jean, Arnold, Fr. Mark, Jasmine and Connor were in the office of the commissioner for police.

“We’ll send out her picture to news stations” Connor said.

And Fr. Mark looked up and glowered at him.

“We’ll find your niece” The commissioner said.

That’s if I don’t find her first. And kill her. One of them thought.

“It’s amnesia” The doctor said as he finished examining Kim.

“I believe it’s temporary and must have resulted from extreme shock” the doctor added.

The female driver nodded and helped Kim to sit up on the bed.

“How will I find her family?” The driver said.

A nurse entered the room carrying a stainless tray when she saw Kim. “Oh my God! Aren’t you the woman whose face is on…” The nurse said as she ran outside and checked the TV. She came back in, seconds later, smiling “I know who she is” The nurse said.

Silvia sat down on the couch beside Barry. She sighed. “Have you heard?” Silvia asked. “Kim is missing” she said and paused, stretched out her legs atop Barry’s thighs.

“I feel so bad” Silvia said, “I was mean to her and yet, she saved my mum and Nicole”.

Barry played with her toes “We all make mistakes...”

His phone dinged. “Excuse me”.

He picked his call and listened. Hung up and looked at Silvia. “She has been found. The police has found her” He said.

“I’m Jean, your best friend” Jean said as she stood up and shook hands with Kim.

Kim smiled. Am I supposed to smile? She thought. She wasn’t sure of anything. And the worst was that she couldn’t even remember all these people.

“I’m Ethan. Your uncle” Ethan said and hugged Kim “And we love you” Ethan said and stepped aside for any other person to introduction himself or herself.

Kim was seated on her hospital bed while others - Jean, Arnold, Ethan, Sebastian, Aidan, Bridget, Fr. Mark and Connor sat on the seats in her room. And from among them, someone else stood up, headed towards Kim.

This man is handsome. Kim thought as a fair tall broad-shouldered man stopped in front of her. Gorgeous. She concluded. He had better not tell her that he was her brother or her cousin. This fine-looking being had better be her husband.

The man stretched out his hand, she followed suit and shook hands with him. At once, her body shivered. From desire and pleasure? I remember this hand. It seems familiar.

She grinned. And the young man turned the back of her hand and kissed it.

“Who’re you?” Kim asked, already enchanted. However, her body shuddered with fear at the response she received, “I’m Connor. And no one is as happy as I am that you survived”.

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