Chapter 23 - Partners

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Third person POV

Sofia and Hugo were focused on their mission. While everything was going to plan with Michael and Cassandra. Their plan was going perfectly with Sofia and Hugo being oblivious as ever. As soon Michael made it to Enchancia to see Sofia and be partners for the 'plan.'

Michael's POV

I came inside to the her room and I saw her and Hugo reading.

I saw Sofia and I sat down next to her as she was still sitting next to Hugo.

I said as I held her hand, "I've considered your offer." "For now we're partners." "And Hugo can't know about it yet by the way."

He smirked as he put an arm around her, "Yeah I'm going to pretend I didn't just hear that."

He whispered something to Sofia, making her give one of her sweet giggles.

She turned to Hugo and punched me playfully in the arm, still giggling, "Hugo don't be so rude!" "He just doesn't trust you like you don't trust him."

He put his hands in surrender and laughed as he held my Sofia in his arms and poking her side playfully, "Okay okay sorry I won't say it again but if I say it again just to make you laugh again."

I said as I go to the door, "Well I should be leaving to see Cassandra for the plan so when I get more details about what's going on with it."

She giggled as Hugo tickled her, "Oh okay see you later."

I mustered a fake smile and walked out of the room, "Okay see you later."

I texted Cassandra.

Me: Hiii everything is going to plan
C: Great! So she doesn't know?
Me: No she's Sofia, of course she doesn't know.
C: So we'll get her and Hugo on a yacht, we'll ambush them. In two to three weeks.
Me: k bye
C: byeee

I put my phone down and went home.

Sofia's POV

After Michael left me and Hugo laughed and did a high five.

I said loudly but happily, "Yes!" "Now all we have to do is to figure out their plan!"

He smiled and pulled me down to the bed with him as he nuzzled his nose at the crook of my neck and said in worried tone, "I know but be careful I don't whether bad to happen to you."

I nuzzled my nose in his chest and mumbled, "Hugo we're spies." "ANYTHING can happen to us." "Everything in life is best to be unpredictable not for the predictable."

He held me close and said with a sigh, "I guess you're right." "I should be leaving soon." "Tell me when Michael gives some information about bombs and dynamite." "Okay?"

He said as he stood up.

I replied as I started to smile, "Okay." "See you later Hugo."

After Hugo left, I had dinner and I got some sleep.

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