Chapter 25 - Getting the information

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Sofia's POV

I was going to Nightingale to get more information on their real plan.

I took a carriage and went to Nightingale.

I sat down next to Michael who eventually moved to another table. He informed Cassandra and her parents about something but not to me.

I was basically on another table while they're talking about something so I leaned closer to hear what they were saying, "Yeah..."So we have them on a yacht.... "And we ambush them... and we do..."

That all I heard before they came over to me.

Michael smirked as he kissed my hand, "We want you to break up with Hugo to prove that you're on our side."

I froze for a second before saying, "Okay I'll do it."

I kept my head up high. And I left to go to Albuquerque and tell Hugo that they want to me to break up with him.

I went to Albuquerque and saw Hugo spending time with family like playing board games and charades.

I asked shyly, "Hugo can I talk to you privately please?"

He gave me a concern look before replying, "Okay Axel I'll be back for you!"

Axel replied loudly, "Okay I can count on it!"

We went to another room and I started to talk to him.

I whispered softly into his ear, "Hugo I'm saying this to you because this is involved with our mission." "But if they can hear us, I'm saying that they want me to break up with you." "So they know I'm on their side and they can trust me."

He whispered softly in my ear and said jokingly, "Okay so do you fake a break up with me?"

I whispered softly in his ear, "I'd love to."

We broke apart and we acted out.

I pretended to cry and said sadly, "I'm sorry Hugo." "But we're not meant for each other."

He nodded and pretended to cry, "I know it's the right thing to do." "We should break up."

I sighed loudly but sadly making sure Cassandra and Michael could hear us, "I should get going." Goodbye Hugo."

He said in a sad tone, "Goodbye Sofia."

I closed the door and I took a deep breath and went back to Cassandra's castle, where everyone was smiling at me as I walked into the room.

Michael and Cassandra smirked as they sat down.

He smirked, "Well I see you finally broke up with Hugo." "Now all you need to know that we're putting the bombs and the dynamite on a yacht in two to three weeks time."

I nodded and I got back home, exhausted and tired as shit. I got to sleep by the time I got home.

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