Dear Haters, Fuck You

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Now hold on make sure you know who this is being addressed to, it's not directed to critiques. Without the criticism I've received throughout this book, I wouldn't have improved how my writing looks. It'd still be all squished together and the dialogue tags an absolute mess.

I know they're no where near perfect now but at least it's a bit more neat so when I saw some things about grammar and what not I was happy. Because it actually improved my writing.

But what I hated was the goddamn power scalers and analyzers, omg no one cares if Goku can move at however many molecules per milliseconds. That sucks all the fun out of writing it, like if I'm calculating how fast each character is moving in just gonna get sick of the book in general.

That's why eventually I just said screw it and went back to how I used to write and had fun again. Like you got to understand that these characters weren't meant to fight each other in the first place. So it's all just like you're opinion of what would happen, obviously there's ones you'd know the answer because I mean like cmon.

If Goku decked Mumen Rider in the face while in MUI, then he might die. But where's the excitement in that, I just hate that on another scale. Some analysts made some good points like one about Diane not manipulating the stage and I admitted that that was on me. Like I just did t think about that and said I'd see to it next year.

Like y'all be toxic as hell, and you know who you are, demons amongst my angels. But never the less I've been holding something in for awhile.  


Dude I hate this man in this story but love him in his own show. Like he's funny asf in his own world but bringing him here was the dumbest idea I've ever had and Obito was in here man. Like the fact that he literally cannot be hurt is cool in a sense but when faced with people who don't fit that category. It's just so stupid.

So if y'all thought I was his biggest fan boy or something hell no I'm like his biggest hater here in this book at least. Love the guy in OPM tho just here is a headache and a half.

So I'm just confirming it now, he's not being in the second one. His universe can stay but goddamn not him, it's just so annoying seeing him okie through characters who are actually cool when it comes to fighting.

I'd say sorry but that'd be a lie.

Jesus, that felt so good. Alright moving on with the next Extra.

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