Chapter 36: Brains Over Brawn

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A green aura glowed around Tornado as she instructed, "I've been waiting for this point in time of the tournament, with all this broken debris all over the place. I have infinite ammo!" Suddenly broken stage pieces were lifted into the air making all the fighters who were chasing Saitama stop in fear. Big blocks began soaring at high speeds forcing fighters to scatter all over the place. Kuwabara leaped into the air avoiding a flying block which dented the stage. That little brat is gonna cause some trouble if I don't do something!

Kuwabara dodged another stage block in midair by flipping over it. Kuwabara landed on a flying block before summoning his dimension sword. Time to prove that I'm not useless! Kuwabara leaped off the block in order to slash several blocks in half. Tornado looked towards Kuwabara who was making progress towards her. Who is that stupid man? Tornado began aiming majority of her flying blocks towards Kuwabara who smirked. Kuwabara slashed his sword before he was hit by a barrage of flying blocks. The blocks crashed into the stage making Tornado cross her arms and pout. Tornado quickly noticed that there was a tear in the dimension. What the hell, did that man do that?

Kuwabara could be heard laughing, "Heh, heh! Didn't see that coming now did you? Using my dimension sword I cut a hole through space and time itself. Then I jumped through the hole before your stupid blocks hit me. All this was a distraction in order to let Urameshi do his thing, do it now Urameshi!" Tornado turned around to see Yusuke holding his finger towards her, charging spirit energy around him. Yusuke shouted, "Spirit Gun!" Yusuke fired a spirit ball at high speeds towards Tornado who sighed, "You idiot, I can use my physic powers to stop your attack. With ease." Tornado held out her hand stopping Yusuke's blast, surrounding it with a green aura making him gasp. Tornado shouted, "Here, you can have this back!"

Tornado pushed her hand sending the spirit ball directly at Yusuke who prepared to block. A huge explosion occurred making Tornado scoff before looking for Kuwabara who was gone. Where is the loud mouth, obnoxious man? In slow motion a hole above Tornado was throughly cut open revealing Kuwabara who screamed, "Looking for me?!" Tornado's eyes widened as she looked up to see Kuwabara falling out of a hole preparing to slash her. Dammit! Tornado used her psychic powers to maneuver Kuwabara's blade causing him to miss by a few inches. Tornado chuckled, "Nice try but I won't allow myself to be eliminat-." Suddenly Tornado was slashed across her chest in slow motion. I'm confused, a moved his blade away from me. How was I hit? Kuwabara explained, "My Dimension Sword can cut through anything, even space itself. That gives my blade an invisible range that not even you can see." Tornado coughed up blood as she and Kuwabara continued falling from the air. Kuwabara held Tornado in his arms before he landed on his feet. Tornado coughed, "W-what are you doing?!" Kuwabara answered, "I didn't want you to fall from that height defenseless, so I thought I'd catch you." Tornado blushed making her face turn red as Kuwabara stammered, "And I kinda, uh slashed your cloak. So uh you're um chest is um." Tornado looked down to see that her cloak was ripped revealing her bare breast, a beam of light covering her nipples. Kuwabara was abruptly sent flying into a broken stage piece which shattered to pieces. Tornado grabbed her ripped cloak, covering her chest while shouting, "Y-YOU PERVERT!"

Tornado lifted Kuwabara into the air making him panick, "Now I know what you're thinking but it was an accident!" Kuwabara stopped talking when he realized Deep Sea King was coming down with an axe handle. Oh no, I can't move! Deep Sea King slammed his fist into Kuwabara's back making a cracking sound before his body crash landed into the stage. Kuwabara coughed up blood as his body flopped back up into the air. Deep Sea King was already behind Kuwabara smiling evilly.

*Quick note real quick, Imma just call Deep Sea King "DSK" because that's a long ass name to keep typing. Get back to reading.*

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