Take The Step

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When I woke up London was not in bed and the house felt empty. I reached for my phone and there was a text message from him.

Don: Good morning beautiful, I had an early meeting with some investors. I'm setting up dinner tonight and inviting Anna so I'll pick you up from work once you're up to it. I love you.

I was definitely up to it, I need to see her lying ass face try to get out of this one. I wondered what she will say while I got myself ready for work. The dress I chose to wear had a zip at the side and it was only going halfway, this was an indication that I needed to go shopping for maternity clothes.

Me: Good morning honey, my clothes no longer fits me 😕 You can pick me up at 5:00 pm if I still have a job. I love you too.

After changing three different times I settled on a red stretchy ruffled pencil skirt and a black long sleeve dress shirt paired with my black pumps. My hair was in its natural wavy state and I did minimal makeup because I didn't need it, this pregnancy gave my face a nice glow.

As expected I was called to the conference room shortly after I arrived at work. When I walked in it was only Mr. King in the room.

"Good morning Mr. King"

"Good morning Bri'elle, you may have a seat, I'll report to the others as they have other matters attending to"

"I have a few questions regarding your personal life and I'm sorry I have to ask these questions but you know how this firm operates and sadly because of what seems to be happening in your personal life, it has affected the name of the firm"

I'm definitely getting fired, I thought to myself while I sat there ready to hear these questions he plans on asking.

"I understand Mr. King, please go ahead with your questions."

"When I gave you Mr. Bascoe's case did the name ring a bell?"

"No, it didn't.  I read the case after I left court with my previous case. I was very unprepared that day and it wasn't until I got to his office that I realized I knew his face from high school."

"Were you in a relationship with him before taking his case or were you, friends, with him?"

"No we weren't friends, we never spoke in high school either, I just know his face from there."

"There's a case sent in from Ms. Bell that you conspired with Mr. Bascoe and went to find her ex-husband, manipulated him to take her to court so Bascoe could win his case"

"Before you answer that, I did read the cases and I didn't see any foul play but it's still necessary for me to ask these questions"

"It wasn't until I met with Mr. Standley and went into details about his wife that I figured out that it was linked to Mr. Bacoe's case sir" calling him Mr. Bascoe felt a little strange.

"I was professional during the case, it wasn't until after the case settled that something transpired between London and I" I felt embarrassed telling my boss that I fucked my client.

"Bri'elle, you're our top attorney and we love you but we're very disappointed. I'm going to ask for you to keep a low profile for the sake of the firm. If any more pop-ups should surface on the media with your name and the firm we might have to let you go"

Look what this girl caused, maybe this is a sign to resign and start my own company after all. I did give them a full year and great wins.

"Mr. King my sincere apologies. However, I cannot stop the media from posting because they love to gossip and I'm sure they'll follow me around and publish all sorts of gossips, and as such I'm going to resign to spear the firm the trouble.

"No Bri'elle, you're an asset here I can't just let you resign" didn't this man just threaten my job? Now I'm an asset.

"Mr. King, I will do my last two weeks but I will be giving in my resignation letter before the end of the day, my apologies" I excused myself after that, and I felt good. I was worried about getting fired when it was just the push I needed.

I didn't want it in a negative light because now my name was all over the media for dating a client, which is never good but I can fix my wrongs and I sure know how to win a damn case once it makes sense.

As soon as I sat down in my office I exhaled a breath I didn't realize I was holding, took a glance around the room I will never be in again after two weeks, and decided to share the news with Don.

Me: I quit my job but don't get too excited, I have other plans. We'll talk about it later.

Seconds later my phone dinged signaling a text message from him.

Don: You've made me the happiest man on earth 😁 let's celebrate after dinner 😉 maybe I can put another one in there.

He's such a child, he doesn't even know that I plan on working even harder, I can just imagine what he'll look like when I tell him I plan to start my firm.

Me: Don't be too happy now Don, you don't know my plans.

Don: Yes baby, but I'm confident I can change them.

I didn't bother to respond to him because he can't change what's already set in stone long before I ever dreamt of him.

I took my time sorting through files I have, I won't be taking any new cases as I only have two weeks left so I'm focusing on finishing up whatever cases I have that I can close and pass on the rest to other attorneys sadly. Then again that's not my choice to make as this isn't my firm.

I got so busy sorting through my files that I didn't even check the time. I had snacked around and used the lady's room a few times but I didn't check the time. My phone rang and it was Don asking if I planned on coming out of the building today because he's been sitting there waiting.

It was 5:15 pm, he didn't wait that long and he should've called earlier. On my way out I gave my assistant my resignation letter to take to Mr. King and I had no regrets.

DE L'AMOURDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora