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Our parents had gone home on Sunday, after an eventful weekend. I really enjoyed their company, I loved that we all got along and my dad and his dad were making plans to meet up for a football game. I noticed my dad and London went missing for awhile before dad left.

"Baby, what did my dad say to you?" I asked London.

"Huh?" He's such a bad liar.

"When you went missing with him, what did he say to you?"

"That he will throw me to the wolfs if I ever hurt you," he scrunched his face up and it caused me to giggle. I knew he wasn't telling me everything but I decided to let it go.

Four weeks later

It was 7:30 am Monday morning and I had a client at 10:00 am so I got myself busy making breakfast for us. London usually makes the breakfast and I make dinner but this morning I was feeling great. I had no morning sickness due to the gravol my doctor had prescribed for me and I was grateful.

London walked up behind me and kissed the back of my head. We ate and talked about our plans for the week while having breakfast.

"Saturday is Anna-Reese birthday, she went through a bad break up the other day so Tyrese and I are doing something special at the club for her. I know you said you don't want to be associated with her but I want you to be there," I suddenly lost my appetite.

He really don't get it, "No, I won't be apart of it, but have fun though" I walked off and went into the shower, he already had a shower.

"Baby, what do you want me to do? She's my friend."  He was at the bathroom door.

"She's your friend, not mine. I'm not going to be around someone who hates me," I told him.

"She doesn't hate you Brielle,"

"London, I won't be apart of whatever you're doing for her, by the way I'm suppose to be in L.A this weekend." I rolled my eyes.

"Whoa, did the doctor say it's ok to fly while you're pregnant?"

He is being real funny right now, it's ok for me to go to a club pregnant but it's not for me to fly? I chose to ignore his question because I don't need a doctors order to fly.

"When did you get tickets for L.A?" he's at the shower curtain with his head popped in staring at me. I wanted to laugh at him because he looked so cute but I was too mad at him to laugh.

"I've had those tickets before the babies were born, I bought tickets for their birth and for when they got older so they would know me"

I was 10 weeks pregnant and I missed my best friend, nothing was going to stop me from going to L.A. Especially a party for a girl who I don't like and who doesn't like me.

"You're not going, not unless the doctor says you can"

"You're kidding me right?"

"No, you're not going on a plane pregnant unless the doctor says otherwise."

"Go call the doctor yourself then, but I'm going"

I haven't drove my car since he found out I was pregnant, he's ridiculous majority of the times and I'm over it. I got dress quickly and while he was in the closet looking for his black tie, I went and drove my car to work.

My phone was ringing nonstop while I was driving, but you shouldn't drive and be on the phone right? I knew I was being petty but he was being difficult so he deserved it. When I pulled in my work parking lot I answered him.

"Ms. Saunders, I'm going to make sure you regret this stunt you've pulled this morning. Have yourself a wonderful day" he hung up the phone.

Oh, I was not expecting that, now I'm a little nervous to go home. It was 9:15 am, I had time to prepare myself for my 10:00 am client.

I haven't told anyone I'm pregnant at work but it was becoming obvious, my clothes are fitting more closely than they usually do and though my stomach isn't noticeable yet, it's coming out because I see it when I'm naked and in-front the mirror.

I made my way to Mr. King's office but was told he was in the conference room so I made my way there. When I entered the room all three partners of the firm were there. I was good with them all so I went ahead and told them I was expecting. They all offered their congratulations and kind words.

I felt a little lighter when I got back to my office. I've been working for them for a year now and I've accomplished so much, not just for myself but for the firm too so it's ok if I'm pregnant now.

My client was early, Shea Oliver was taking her husband of twenty years to court because he cheated on her with her half sister and had children with her. She wants a divorce, her husband is a wealthy man and had her sign a prenuptial agreement before they got married. She wants more than what they signed on the prenup agreement. Being a family lawyer, I've gotten some unbelievable cases but this one has topped the chart.

How do you cheat on your wife with her sister and have children with both women. He is a terrible person and I plan on getting my client everything she desires from this divorce to move on with her life. I'm scared to get hurt like that, after twenty years of being with someone you find out that they've hurt you so badly. I can't imagine her pain.

I had a long day sorting out files and digging for information but it was a productive day. I now regretted driving because I got so use to being picked up from work, I'll have to walk to the car park and drive home.

London didn't text or call me all day and I knew it was because he was mad at me. When I opened my apartment door he was in the kitchen cooking, whatever it was smelt heavenly and I was instantly famished.

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