High school

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It's my senior year in high school, my GPA is a 4.0, my cheer squad has been the best in our division and my boyfriend Neko, the football captain has been awesome. He supports me in everything I do, he buys me something cute every week, whether it be a lollipop-shaped like kisses or hearts, a little teddy bear with a heart, a necklace with my first initial, a bracelet, he's just the sweetest.

My phone goes off dragging me from my thoughts. The caller ID shows it's my best friend, Ashley. We've been friends since we were toddlers. She's the Co-captain of our cheer squad and my total opposite. I'm more reserved, while she's wild and ready to try anything. We made a vow that we'd lose our virginity this year and of course it was all Ashley's idea and I stupidly agreed to it.

I'm not interested in waiting for marriage to have sex because I don't want to marry someone that's wack in bed and spend my life as a miserable wife. There's always divorce but that's expensive, I plan on losing my virginity to Neko. He doesn't know this but I'm sure he has thought about it before and who better to lose my virginity to? We've been together for two years and he has never given me any reason to doubt him. We talk about the future all the time and I know our relationship will last because we're in love.

Pulling me from my thoughts I hear Ashley saying.

"I have the perfect idea."

I sighed, because I know I'm not going to like what comes out of her mouth.

"Let's watch each other's experience," she whisper shouts!

She wants us to watch each other while we lose our virginity.

"Ashley Hindu what's wrong with you? Your mind is so twisted! How do you expect us to pull that off, you creep?"

"Just leave it up to me," she says on the other end of the call and I palmed my face while I sighed. 

I turned to look at my bedside clock and noticed we only had an hour to be in school so I told her she better be ready when I get there and ended the call. She lives two blocks from me. 

I went to my closet for something cute to wear and because the weather is nice I went with a nude pleated skirt and a black tank top with some nude wedges. I showered quickly and applied some makeup, though my mom always says I don't need it. However, I'm the cheer captain so I have an image I have to keep up.

Mom was already gone, she's a doctor so she's always at the hospital, but she leaves my breakfast on the counter every morning, I grabbed my paper bag and head to my car.

The first thing Ashley does when she gets in my car is reach for my breakfast. I rolled my eyes and took the shake she makes me as compensation for eating my sandwiches every morning. 

We got to school in ten minutes and walked into our first class right before our literature teacher, Mr. Jackson. He looked at us and took his seat.

Ashley lost her dad when she was just five years old and since recently her mother seemed to be dating Mr. Jackson which we don't know how to feel about, because it's a little weird.

My dad left my mother and I when I was three years old, he might as well be dead because I haven't seen or heard from him all those years.

We both don't have a father figure, no siblings, and our mothers never remarry or had boyfriends. Well until now for Ash's mom.

I guess that's what kept us together since we were small, because we could relate to each other.

After class Ashley and I walked out only to be greeted by Neko and Jared. Jared is Ashley's boyfriend, he plays basketball for our school, he's 6'3, has jet black hair and blue eyes.

Ash and Jared looks so good together. I took the time out to look at my awesome boyfriend. He's not as tall as Jared, he's 5'9 which is still taller than I am because I'm 5'3, Neko has hazel eyes, blonde hair that falls in his face and flawless vanilla skin.

He hugged me and left a chaste kiss on my lips, which made me blush.

"Come over tonight" he whispered in my ears which caused goosebumps to rise on my skin immediately.

"I have plans with Ash tonight", I told him.

Ash is going to Jared's and she wants me there to peep on her while she has sex for the first time. I thought to myself with my face scrunched up. He noticed my facial expression.

"What kind of plans?"He asked.

I had to make up a lie because it's weird to say out loud and to explain would be even weirder, so I said we're going to be baking cookies. Of all the things I could've said that's what I chose. He dropped it but I could see that he wanted to probe.

I promised to call him when we're done baking cookies and he nods.  We walked to our next class.

School was over in a blur, Ash and I went back to my place to relaxed before going over to Jared's. Ash pulled out a lingerie, razors to shave, and headed to the bathroom. I asked her if she was sure about this and she shouted from the bathroom.

"Live a little Brielle!"

"I take that as a yes then", I shouted back.

"Fuck yes!"

I laughed and kept myself busy texting Neko. Thirty minutes later Ashley was standing in front of me looking like a sexy vixen. She has brown hair that reaches her shoulders, dark brown eyes, and the body of a model. Her long sexy legs looked amazing in those red heels and the black lingerie bottom complement her creamy skin.

 Her long sexy legs looked amazing in those red heels and the black lingerie bottom complement her creamy skin

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"I gave her a whistle"

She threw on a trench coat and said "let's go see what Jared's about" we both end up laughing until we got in the car.

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