Merry Christmas

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"Merry Christmas" Ashley woke me up with a big hug. "Why didn't you call me?" She pouts.

"Ash it's okay, you don't have to run to me every time I'm sad, I wouldn't be so selfish to take your little time with Jared away from you," I told her

"She hugged me even tighter"

"Hey, I can't breathe" I struggled out of her arms.

"It's Christmas biiissssh!! Do you smell that?" she changed my mood and it was well appreciated.

I got up, freshen up and then greeted everyone downstairs. We all hugged, laughed, and talked. I helped aunty Jenni in the kitchen and stole a taste off everything I helped with while she wasn't looking, that's my main reason for helping every Christmas. I've learned a lot from aunty Jenni, because of her I know how to cook well.

My mother is a good cook but aunty Jenni was better, she owned a diner after all. As soon as my thoughts went to my mother I started feeling sad about our current situation and the relationship between us recently. Am I being too harsh on her? How could she still want to be with him after all he has done? I sighed and aunty Jenni turned her focus to me.

"Are you ready to talk about it?" she asked.

"How can they expect me to just forgive him?" I asked aunty Jenni.

"I don't think they expect you to just forgive him, your mother just wants you to be happy, and apart of you being happy is your forgiveness. You must try to forgive him so that part of you can heal. As much as you feel like you're okay, it has been and is still bothering you sweet girl" she said and pulled me into a hug.

I hugged her back and sent a quick text to my mother.

Me: If it makes you happy, you can invite him to dinner but don't expect much from me. P.S I'm still mad at you.

I received a text message from her within seconds.

Mom: I love you, my strong girl, I'm sorry for upsetting you and I can't wait to give you a big fat Christmas hug.

  My phone dinged seconds after her first text came in.

Mom: P.S I asked aunty Jenni to make your favorite, you're welcome.

I smiled at my phone and looked in the oven at the cinnamon rolls. This is already the best Christmas ever. I'm such a simple girl I laughed to myself.

The doorbell rang and in came Jared a few hours after we were done cooking, we were waiting on my mom and Bryor to show up so we could start opening presents and right on cue the doorbell rang again and my mom and the betrayer himself walked in.

I ignored him as much as I could, my mom walked over to me and gave me that hug she texted me about and I hugged her back.

"Ok let's eat!" Aunty Jenni shouts and my mood was instantly back to what it was. We all took our seats at the table and feasted. The food was mouth watering good.

It was time to open the presents. Ash and I always get to go first. Grandma Peggy which was aunty Jenni's mom is my favorite so I took up her present first, aww grandma Peggy I love it! It was a beautiful silver necklace that matched the one that Ashley got. We then opened grandpa Michael present it was an envelope that consisted of an Amazon $700 gift card.

Grandpa this is great, I hugged him and so did Ash. They always treated us like twins, they got us the same presents. Ashton's parents which are Ashley's father's parents, grandma Suzie and grandpa Abu got me a new laptop and got Ash a new phone. Her phone was old and my laptop was moving very slow, they do listen to us when they call while we're at uni. I was on the brim of tears, I hugged and thanked them, I had to hold the tears that were threatening.

It was time to open our mother's presents, they know us so well so it's always exciting to see what they buy. Ashley opened a box and took out a car key, I looked at her and we both screamed, we share my car which is no problem but it's still a wonderful gift. We ran outside to see a red Honda Civic, it fit Ashley's personality.

After the excitement about Ashley's car we went back to opening gifts, aunty Jenni got me a beautiful gold watch with my picture inside of it. My mother got me a box of new clothes and the same for Ashley, all different styles and colors. I loved them.

Seven gifts were left for us to open, four for Ashley and three for me. Ash opened Bryor's present hesitantly and so did I, we were both gifted with a round trip to New York.

"Thank you we both said in unison" he nodded.

We then opened Mr. Jackson's gifts which was a Christmas card with $500 each. We also thanked him.

I didn't get Bryor anything and neither did Ashley. I didn't feel bad about that and I'm sure Ash didn't either.

Ash opened my gift to her and I opened hers to me, she got me a Pandora charm bracelet with three charms. One had a Purple Heart, my favorite color , the other was a rollercoaster and I knew it was a reminder of the first time Ash and I went to the an amusement park together and vowed we'd be best friends forever on the rollcoaster, we were seven years old at the time, the last charm was another heart that said best and a key dangling from it that said friend. I think this gift is my favorite of all times.

She loved my gifts too, how could she not? We know each other too well.

Ashley started opening Jared's gift, he was sitting beside her and I saw him get on one knee while she was busy opening the gift. I tried so hard not to squeal! My eyes got watery when she opened the little box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring.

"Ashley Hindu, I know that we are young and that we have a far way to go but I've never been more sure about anything in my life as I'm sure about wanting to spend the rest of my life with you, please marry me he looked in her eyes?"

I stood there tears running down most of our faces, he didn't tell me he was going to do this, I'm a mess right now, I'm so happy for my friend. I know he must've gotten Aunty Jenni's blessings based on the look on her face.

"Yes of course I'll marry you, Ash puts her left hand before him and he gently places the ring on her ring finger and kissed it, then kissed her.

We all cheered and exchanged hugs and wiped tears away.

Everyone opened their presents and loved what they got, the Christmas evening and night was pleasantly fun.

I went home because of course, the newly engaged couple are deserving of some alone time. I was exhausted after all the Christmas activities, I fell asleep as soon as I got out of the shower.

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