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While I was driving to the mall, my mind wandered to Bryor, I need to ask my mom if he had other children. I don't want to meet anyone and bond with them as a partner, only to find out we're siblings. Why was I thinking about things like that, I had no idea.

Ash phoned back to say she was going to be 20mins late and that's great because that's a good time to find her Christmas present and put it in my car.

I walked to a few stores not sure what I'm going to get her and then I saw the store that customizes whatever item you want them to and thought why not get her a pillow with her and her love bug Jared as well as a keychain and a watch. I know she'll love that, she'll have him with her always. I was about to walk into the store when I heard my name.

I turned to see London Bascoe from high school. "Hi London, it's nice to see you" chile! I know it's only been a few months since we all left for uni so what the hell is he doing to be looking so damn good.

He looked so bulky, the last time I saw him was in the summer at aunty Jenni diner and while he was fine he wasn't this fine.

"It's lovely to see you, Brielle," he says and I blushed, I blushed!

"Where are you going to uni," I asked

"I'm at NYU," he says.

New York is getting along with him. I didn't even stop myself from checking him out. He was wearing a white t-shirt, dark skinny jeans, and white sneakers and he had a black blazer in his hand, his body was looking define under all those clothes.

"Nice, what are you studying?" I asked

"Business Admin and you" he questioned and I know he's checking me out too.

I hope I don't look too terrible from bawling my eyes out, I did apply a little makeup under my eyes before I left my car so I'm praying it worked and from the look on his face, I'd say he liked what he saw.

"Law, I'm at Yaleton. I tell him.

"How's your friend, Ashley I believe"

"Oh, she's doing great, she's at Yaleton too, she's doing physiology there and she's meeting me here soon. I was trying to hurry to get her Christmas present before she got here" ok that was a lot to tell the guy.

"Brielle, if you don't mind exchanging numbers so we can catch up since you're in a rush" he looks unsure for a minute but when he met my eyes I saw no uncertainty in them.

We exchanged numbers and was on our way, our hands slightly touched when we were walking away and it sent shivers down my spine. How weird I thought to myself, maybe it's the climate. I picked out the pillow, watch, and keychain and was told to pick them up tomorrow.

Ash joined me at the food court shortly after and we ate subway before we started shopping for our parent's and grand parents Christmas gifts.

Jared is coming over for dinner after he has dinner at his house. Mr. Jackson will be there, me and my mother plus Ash's grandparents on both parent's sides, so we have a bunch of presents to get. By the time we were done, I was exhausted.

Ash drove aunty Jenni's jeep so we hugged and said our goodbyes at the mall's parking lot. Ash never bothered to get a car because we were always together.

My phone ringing stopped me from driving out of the mall's parking lot. I reached into my bag and answered it without checking the caller ID.

"Hello Brielle," it was London. "Can I take you out tomorrow?" He asked.

"As in on a date," I asked stupidly.

"Yes, if it's not too much to ask"

"Sure I'd love to"

"How's 7 pm?"

"7 is great," I told him.

I was grinning from ear to ear and I drove home in a better mood than how I left. My mood didn't last long when I got home. The first thing I noticed was a porched parked outside and it's like I could sense him, I just knew it was him.

I walked in to see Bryor sitting at the kitchen bar with my mother cooking. Why is she cooking while he is here? It's not like he's staying for dinner, why is he even here?

I went straight for the stairs. "Brielle, come here," my mother said softly but loud enough for me to hear.

I walked back to the sitting area looking over at them in the kitchen. "Please sit down baby girl," she said.

I sighed and took a seat, I thought I got rid of this jerk! But here he is sitting in my mother's house that she worked hard to pay for talking about her name is still Saunders, I despise him so much.

"Brielle your dad..." "mom...." I said in a warning tone and she understood exactly what I was saying. Do not call the coward my dad is what I'm saying.

"Bryor will like for you to take the card, if you don't want to use it then fine but take it because it's yours, it's all been transferred into your name, there's no one that can touch it but you, she said calmly."

"Mom I do not want it"

"Brielle Leanna Saunders you'll take that money, I've worked hard, day and night for us to live and our lives have been average, I still have so many bills to pay, plus your college tuition. Now regardless of what he has done to us, to you. He must take care of his offspring, you're his only and it's the least he can do." Ok well, that answered my unasked question. I stared at them blankly and held out my hand for the card.

I'll use it to pay my mother's bills and my college tuition. It's the least he can do as my mother has said but I want nothing to do with him. After the black card was placed in my hand I took my leave upstairs.

A few minutes later, I noted his car was still parked outside and I heard chatting and laughter downstairs. I rolled my eyes and huffed because I know there's no damn way in hell my mother was downstairs laughing with the enemy.

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