The lies you tell

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London came out of the vehicle and held the door for me to go in as soon as he spotted me exiting the building. I took my time so that I could take in the beautiful man in front of me. He was dressed in that blue suit I saw him in that day I went to him as his attorney.

His eyes landed on mine when I didn't go straight in the car and he held my chin up to look at him and captured my lips.

"Sweetheart, should I cancel dinner? You seem to have other things on your mind."

He was right, I wanted him right there, I wanted him to make love to me the way he did on his jet. I wanted him buried in me making me moan and cream his dick just the way he loves it but as bad as I wanted him, I also wanted to put an end to the deceitful things that his friend was up to.

"Dinner and then you baby" I responded breathlessly from the way he kissed me.

"As you wish," he said and led me into the vehicle.

As soon as we were in the vehicle and Carlton drove off he captured my lips again and pull me in his lap. He moved to my neck, while his right hand hovered over my breast and to my stomach. He gently rubbed my stomach while he released my lips and moved to my ears and whispered "I love you Bri, all of you"

I melted in his embrace "I love you too Don"

"I love you more" he returns

"I love you most" I laughed

"I love you forever and beyond" I let him have it because well, men and their egos.

"Babe since you're no longer working we can use tomorrow to go shopping for you and the baby" I feel blessed whenever he says things like this to me but I'm about to burse his happy bubble just a bit, a slow leak maybe.

"I would love to but I still have to work for two weeks and I have plans to start my  law firm baby"

"Huh? What? I mean yes baby I'm happy for you but surely you plan on doing this after the baby" it sounds more like a statement than a question. I was about to answer him when I got a glimpse of her walking in the restaurant we just pulled up at.

It was the same restaurant we were having lunch in when she and Naya showed up and ruined the moment we were having.

She wasn't alone but I didn't see the face of the person that went in with her because I was too focused on her. London must've followed my gaze because he muttered "Why is Tyrese here with Anna? I didn't say anything to him actually"

Here comes more drama and lies, I thought to myself. "Don let's go get this over with, I want to go home and take a shower so that you can bury yourself inside of me" I softly but devilishly say.

I started pulling the door to get out but he held me back and gently pulled me to him. "Woman, you can't say things like that to me and try to walk away. I will lift that skirt, fuck you right in this car then take you inside with your aching pussy"

I had to close my thighs together to try and ease what his dirty mouth was doing to me. We were pulled from our moment by Carlton, he urgently needed a restroom and wanted to know if he should leave the car going. This caused us to make our way inside the restaurant.

We were greeted by a beautiful brunette lady at the front desk but London spotted both Anna-Reese and Tyrese and he informed Gloria as it says on her name tag that we already have a table.

We walked to the table and said our hi's, London pulled a chair for me to sit and I grabbed a menu to ease the awkwardness at the table.

"Sup Tyrese? Why are you here bro?" London asked.

"Anna said she needed some support, she didn't say for what man" he looked like he genuinely didn't know and wasn't liking the current situation, I guess he can feel the tension in this room.

"Ok well let's get to it then," London said.

"Anna I take it that you know why I invited you to dinner since you brought Tyrese for help and that also leads me to believe that you're guilty"

Well of course she's guilty he already knows this, I mean what did he expect out of tonight? Another lying story for him to believe, I thought to myself. I was still holding the menu not focused on anything that was written there at the moment.

I needed to ensure I heard every word she utters with her lying tongue and besides, I already knew what I wanted to eat before we got to the restaurant. Oops, I can't believe my mind went there in a moment like this.

"London I can explain," she says in a pleading tone.

"Go on," he urged her

"Well to be honest this is coming from high school. I liked Neko a lot and she,"

"She who?" London spoke over her. "You know her name Anna so please address her by her name and don't let matters worse.

I can't deny I love the way he's taking charge, he's getting laid tonight.

"Brielle, had everything I wanted and I was jealous, when I decided to let go of my feelings for Neko, I started liking you but you only had eyes for her" I could see she hates me, the way her eyes landed on me and the venom in her voice when she speaks of me like I'm not sitting across from her.

Being a lawyer, I mastered the art of just listening even when I want to speak or call someone out on some bullshit and I was putting it to work tonight because I wanted to answer her but I needed to hear all she had to say first.

"So let me get this straight, you like me and because of that you've been sabotaging my relationship?" London asked

"Well I wasn't trying to sabotage it, the information I gave you about her and Naya is true"

"Excuse me? You're going to sit here and continue telling lies? I've told London everything he needs to know! I know Naya did not lie to you about what happened between her and I because she has no reason to lie" it would not benefit Naya in anyway to lie about what happened between her and I and I know her well enough to know she wouldn't lie like that.

A waiter walked up but Tyrese told him to give us more time.

"London, I have no reason to lie to you, she's not who you think she is. You've known me all your life and I'm telling you now that I love you , I've loved you for so long and you know me London, you know what to expect from me.

I sat there with my mouth open at Anna's audacity, she stuck to her lies after admitting she's been jealous of me but I realize now that was just apart of her little act.

"Anna," London sighs. "I expected better from you, I'm truly hurt and now I'm wondering how long you've been lying to me. I restored my phone and saw the messages if you didn't know my phone records calls so yes I heard your call to your boss too. You don't love me the way you say you do, you only want the things that Brielle has and you don't know her so I'd suggest you stop talking to or about her, and for Goodness sake stop lying Anna."

She started crying, she chose to cry instead of apologizing and come clean. Tyrese comforts her while murmuring fuck over and over, I don't think he even realized he was saying the word. He looked troubled like he didn't know exactly what to do or say.

London got up and helped me out of my chair. " I'm sorry I put you through this tonight baby, let's go" I couldn't agree with him more so we left without another word, while we were walking out her sobs got louder but my man was not phased by it.

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